Keto Pan Fried Pork Meatballs#SundayFunday

A delicious spiced pork meatballs that makes a perfect Keto appetizer.

Makes 10 Meatballs

250 Grams Pork Mince
½ Teaspoon Fennel powder
1Teaspoon Black Pepper powder
½ Teaspoon Sea Salt
¼ Teaspoon White Pepper
¼ Teaspoon Garlic Powder
¼ Teaspoon Smoked Paprika
⅛ Teaspoon Cinnamon Powder
1 Tablespoon Olive Oil/Bacon Fat/Butter/Ghee for frying
In a mortar and pestle grind together the salt, peppercorns and fennel to make a spice mix. 
Then in a large mixing bowl add a tablespoon or so of the freshly ground spice mix along with the paprika, white pepper, garlic powder and cinnamon powder.
Make meatballs and keep side.
In the meantime heat the cooking fat in a cast iron skillet or frying pan and then pan fry the meatballs for about 3-4 minutes on turning the sides till fully cooked. Peirce each with a toothpick and serve them on a bed of lettuce.
Enjoy them with some sugar free ketchup as a appetizer.
Labels: Keto, Appetizer, Pork, Meatball, Low Carb, Healthy, Sunday Funday
For Sunday Funday we are sharing recipes of Meatballs
Sneha's Recipe
Sneha's Recipe

Happy Home-maker and culinary enthusiast.