Showing posts with label Cheesecake. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Cheesecake. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Cheesecake. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Cheesecake. Show all posts

Mango Cheesecake - No Bake Dessert #Choctoberfest

Eating the King of Fruits on its own needs no explanation and there  recipes that can  lift the  delightful King of fruits  to an all new high. This no-bake cheesecake is an absolute breeze to make and it's low cal. In fact should I call it a Mango Breeze-Cake ... just pour all ingredients into a mixer jar and pulse it 3 -4 times its ready.  So isn't it a Breeze Cake?


¾  Cup  Condensed Milk
2 Teaspoons  Gelatin
¼  Cup Water
1 Cup Mango Puree
Fresh Paneer -  grated - Homemade
¼ Teaspoon Mango Essence (optional)
1 Cup Whipped Cream
Grated chocolate  for decoration


How to make the paneer  with 500 Ml milk (here).

Dissolve the gelatin in 
¼ cup water over a pan of hot water.

Blend together the grated paneer, condensed milk, dissolved gelatin, mango puree  and mango essence in a blender.  Add the whipped the cream well and gently fold into the paneer - mango  mixture or pulse it just once. 
Pour into a wet mould (see notes). Leave to set in the refrigerator, When set then decorate with grated chocolate, unmould, cut into squares/ wedges, serve.

My Notes:

Rinse the aluminium mould with cold water, drain the water. Pour a few drops of vegetable oil and swirl the wet mould ( but do not wipe the mould). Using this wet oily mould will make un moulding easier.

Keep it in the refrigerator overnight to set.  Was in a hurry since I, had guest and wanted to serve, as you can see in the pic it is a little wobbly. 

Labels : Cheesecake, No Bake Desserts, Mango,  Choctoberfest, Paneer, Low Cal, Gelatin, Sweets & Desserts
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Baked New York Style Cheese Cake #Bakingbloggers

The first attempt I, made this cheesecake, the base was the same quantity but filling I, doubled and made it in 6.1/2 inch loose bottom pan. This cake was wet in the center and the sides were perfect. Even after keeping it for an hour an a half, it was still very wet in the center. That was because the pan was small and the height of the cheesecake was way too much.
The next time I made the base same and the filling as given below. Made this for my friends birthday which we our trekking  group celebrated on Yeor Hills. They loved this cheesecake it was absolutely fantastic. Very soft, cheesy and mouth melting.
If you plan to make this filling in double quantity then use a 10 inch loose bottom pan..
For the Base
200 Grams Digestive biscuits
3 Tablespoon Caster Sugar
100 Grams Butter - melted 
For the Filling
3 Small Eggs
200 Grams Cream cheese -Philadelphia
1/2 Cup Caster Sugar
1/2 Cup Heavy Cream
1 Teaspoon Vanilla Essence
1 Teaspoon Heaped All Purpose Flour
Loose Bottom tin lined (6.1/2 to 7 Inch ) well from outside with aluminum foil till the top rim. Grease the pan well from inside.
For the Base

Crush biscuits finely, mix in the caster sugar and melted butter, put in pan, spread the sides first, pressing it very firmly, spread biscuit on the base and level very well,by making a indent in the center it should be like it pie crust at sides. Cover the outside of pan with foil so water can’t go inside. Keep this tin in the refrigerator till the filling is ready.

For the  Filling

Beat the cream cheese well add sugar and continue whisking till well incorporated.
In a another bowl Beat 3 eggs very well, add essence , and whisk.  

Add in eggs in the cream cheese along with the flour and continue beating, add in the heavy cream and continue beating, for about a minute or two. 

Pour this  mixture in prepared pan, put to bake over water bath ( bain marie (ban mah-ree,  is the fancy term for a hot water bath) and steam bake for 45 to 50 minutes at 180 degree. 
This cake when you remove from the oven it will be wobbly in the center but not to worry, when it cools it will set, if you bake it too much then it will harden then you will not get the exact taste of a cheese cake it will be hard when completely cooled.  When still hot take a knife run it around the sides of the pan  - to looseen the sides of the cake. 
Place the cooled cheesecake in the refrigerator covered with a cling film  overnight.    
The next day spread with any pie filling of your choice. I used my Homemade Strawberry Crush ( which I, thickened a little more).
Slice,  serve.. enjoy..

Labels : Strawberry, Pie Filling, Cheesecake, New York Style Cheese Cake, Cakes, , Sweets & Desserts , Cream Cheese, Digestive Biscuits, Heavy Cream, Baking Bloggers 

Sending this to Baking Bloggers, our theme for the month is Cheesecakes .

Here are some of the different Cheesecakes prepared.

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