Jamun/Indian Blackberry Chia Jam#SundayFunday

Jamun/Indian Blackberry is summer fruit and love eating it. Wanted to make a jam so made this with chia seeds. A delicious jam. 

Jamun, or Indian blackberry, is highly regarded for its benefits to diabetics, stomach pain, arthritis, certain digestive issues, and diabetes. Improvement in the hemoglobin level of the blood. It contains compounds like jamboline and jambosine that help regulate blood sugar levels.
Ingredients2 Tablespoons Chia seeds
4 Tablespoons Water
1 Cup Water
1 Cup De Seeded Jamun
½ Cup Sugar

Soak chia seeds in 4 tablespoons water and let it sit for about 10 to 15 minutes or until the chia seeds have swollen up.
In a large sauce pan, add the jamun pulp & water. Turn on the flame and let the pulp simmer until it thickens.
Add sugar and mix while it simmers. Use the stick blender and blend. Place it back on the low flame Then add the chia seeds and cook till it thickens. Let this cool.
It will thicken further as it cools. Once it reaches room temperature, pop it in the fridge and serve chilled on slices of bread. Enjoy!!
Labels: Jamun, Indian Blackberry, Java Plum, Jam, Chia seeds, Sugar, Preservatives free, Homemade, Sunday Funday
Sneha's Recipe
Sneha's Recipe

Happy Home-maker and culinary enthusiast.


  1. This would be perfect on my English Muffin this morning.

  2. I definitely need to look up the Indian blackberry and see how it differs from the blackberries I have here in California. Your jam looks delicious. I don't think I have ever made a jam with chia before.

  3. Sneha a good way to enjoy jamun after the season ends, in the form of jam. I do miss jamun so much.

  4. This sounds delicious! Perfect on fresh baked bread.
