Chicken Liver & Gizzard Stir Fry#SundayFunday

Chicken Liver is a healthy nutritious protein that is full of iron, vitamin A and B. Its is also a good source of minerals like manganese, copper and zinc among others. However it is very high in cholesterol which is important to take note off. This is also very good when your blood count is less. Have this and you will not suffer from iron deficiency.

Always use only fresh chicken livers and not frozen. Wash well, remove all stringy fibers attached to liver. Chicken Liver & Gizzards Stir Fry is a delicious serve it as a Side-Dish
Serve warm. Do not reheat.
200 Grams Fresh Chicken Liver
200 Grams Fresh Chicken Gizzard - cut into pieces
1 Medium Onion - sliced
2 Whole Green chillies - slit
1 Small Capsicum - sliced
1 Small Tomato - de seeded & sliced
4 - 5 Cloves Garlic - minced
½ Teaspoon Sea salt or to taste
¼ Teaspoon Turmeric powder
1 Teaspoon Cumin powder
1¼ Teaspoon Red Chilly powder
A Juice one Lemon
2 Tablespoons Oil
Marinate the chicken liver and gizzard in turmeric, cumin powder and half the quantity of chilly powder with salt to taste for 15 minutes. Cook the gizzards only in a pressure cooker with ¼ cup water for one whistle on high flame, then reduce the flame to medium low and keep it for 15 minutes. Switch off the flame and let the cooker cool.
In a wok or large deep pan heat oil , add the garlic and sauté for a minute then add the sliced onions and green chillies sauté till soft and translucent. Then add the capsicum and tomato sauté for a minute only. Take out half the quantity of onion and capsicum for garnishing. Add the cooked gizzard and remaining red chilly powder sauté for 2 minutes then add the liver and sauté for a minute, cover and cook on medium low flame for  10 minutes only. Add the salt and stir it lightly. Do not overcook or else the liver will turn hard. 
Sprinkle with fresh lemon juice and serve garnished with the reserved onion, tomato and capsicum.  
My Notes 
It is best to cut one piece of liver to see if it is done rather than overcooking the lot. It should be pinkish yet no trace of blood to have cooked properly. The darker the color the hard and drier the liver will be.

Reduce the red chilly powder according to your spice level.

Labels: Keto, Stir Fry, Chicken, Liver, Gizzard, Side Dish, Sunday Funday
Sneha's Recipe
Sneha's Recipe

Happy Home-maker and culinary enthusiast.


  1. My son would love if I made this for him.

  2. My husband is not a fan of gizzards but I love them. Maybe this dish will win him over!

  3. I love chicken livers but I've never had the gizzard!

  4. That looks good with veggies and chicken in it.
