Homemade Maraschino Cherries

These have such a delicious taste and flavor any day 100 times better than the tinned stuff you get in the market. Here the tinned Maraschino Cherries are so expensive. The homemade ones are so cheaper and preservative free. You can just pop them into your mouth and relish them, they so..ooo.. good.
Day One 
500 Grams  Maraschino Cherries
1 Liter Water
1 Teaspoon Sea Salt

Half  the cherries I,  pitted & half I kept with the stems.
Boil a liter of water with a heaped teaspoon of sea salt when it comes to a boil. Switch off the flame and let the water come to room temperature. Now add the pitted and stem cherries and cover the pan with a  tight fitting lid immediately and let them sit in the salt water overnight.
Day Two
175 Ml Water
2½ Cups Heaped Granulated Sugar
A Juice of Small Lemon 
½ Teaspoon Almond or Mixed Fruit Essence 

Make a simple  syrup with water, sugar. When the water come to a rolling boil,  add juice of one fresh lemon and continue to boil this till the sugar melts, keep stirring it so that the sugar does not burn at the bottom. When the sugar melts. Switch of the flame and let it cool completely. Add the essence and give it a quick stir.  
Strain the syrup.
As the syrup is cooling drain the salted brine cherries, throw away the salt water and and wash them in fresh water once. Let them dry a little . Then store the cherries in the simple syrup in a sterilized bottle and refrigerate them until you want to use. 
The Homemade Maraschino Cherries are ready to use.
I loved these cherries and would pop one or two very often.
Labels :  Cherries, Homemade, Preservatives free, Healthy
Sneha's Recipe
Sneha's Recipe

Happy Home-maker and culinary enthusiast.

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