Candied Ginger - How To Make Your Own Candied Ginger - Homemade

Let me disclose one truth - my weakness for candied ginger. I simply relish this. I can finish 200 grams packet of theses in day or two. As I am working in the kitchen I will just pop one of these into my mouth. So I decided to make my own candied ginger so that I can enjoy having it and not ...making a hole in my pocket. This candied ginger is so expensive and with very little effort you can make this at home. It turned out superb.


400 Grams Fresh Ginger- should be tender and less fibrous
2 cups granulated sugar + additional sugar for coating
3 cups water

A pinch of salt
A teaspoon of Lime juice


Soak the ginger in water for 10 minutes then wash it.

Peel ginger with a vegetable peeler( this works well for me).
Slice ginger. Make it as thin as possible. 

I used the V slicer to slice it, (but be careful while using the V  slicer as it is very very sharp  it can slice your finger too) do get distracted while using the V slicer  again I would say ...Be careful!

Place the sliced ginger in cold water for 15 minutes.

Place ginger slices in a saucepan, adding enough water
to cover ginger. Bring water to a boil over medium heat. Reduce heat to low; simmer 10 minutes. 

Drain water from ginger. 

Then boil again in fresh water, changing the water twice. This will reduce the sharp - pungent taste of the ginger.

After completing this process then again boil water in the sauce pan  add the sugar, salt and  stir it in between  till it comes to a boiling point.  Place  the twice-boiled ginger slices back in the saucepan. Cover the pan with a lid and cook  it over medium heat  for 20 to 30 minutes or until the ginger is cooked.  Do not over over cook it or else it will turn into a paste when it cools. Once cooked remove pan from heat immediately.  Drain the syrup.  Keep the syrup aside.
Options: Ginger Slices in Syrup OR Sugar-Coated Ginger:
I did  both!

For ginger in syrup:

Take the drained ginger syrup back into the pan add the lime juice and let it boil till it thickens slightly ( the lime juice is added so that the syrup does not crystallize when stored )

Allow mixture in saucepan to stand for an hour at room temperature to cool a bit. Spoon mixture with half the  ginger slices  into a glass jar with a tight fitting lid. Store in refrigerator up to 1 year. Do not use for 20 days to  one month.  After a month use it in anything you want to make

The syrup is delicious drizzled over  pancakes, ice cream, or use this preserve to prepare ginger bread or cookies or even in a cocktail!

For sugar-coated ginger slices:

Immediately after removing hot mixture from the heat, drain ginger slices, getting as much of the syrup off the ginger as possible. I used a sieve to do this. Let this drained ginger sit in the sieve till completely cooled and free of any extra syrup or moisture.    

In a separate bowl  pour in enough powdered  sugar to coat the ginger slices. Give them a turn and toss until they are well-coated.  Do this process again twice.

Once slices are completely covered with sugar, give them a shake to get rid of excess sugar.(I used this excess sugar to  make our tea -  to impart a mild ginger flavor).

Place the ginger slices on a plate you’ve covered with foil or butter paper to dry (this may take several hours or even overnight, depending on humidity) It took 2 days to dry completely ( let me disclose this too - by that time more than half the ginger was finished by me).

To store sugar-coated ginger slices, place them in a glass jar and keep tightly sealed at room temperature for up to  a month or 2 or 3 months. That too long for me, it lasted only 2 days.... my weak... ness ...ha... will make it again.

Labels : Ginger, Sugar, Homemade, Blogging Marathon 

Check out the Blogging Marathon page for the other Blogging Marathoners doing BM# 56

How to make frozen peas at home - Homemade Frozen Peas

This is delayed post, sorry friends was suppose to post it earlier it somehow forgot about it.  But very soon  green peas will come in the market the season is nearing.  When in season green peas are very cheap, that's the right time to bring and store them.  For when peas are not in season, they  are expensive too.  Today's post is  making your own homemade frozen peas! So lets get on how to make frozen peas at home !


3 Kg Fresh Green Peas
A pinch of Soda bi carb - optional
Water as required


Remove the peas from the pod, set aside. Rinse it well in a strainer once. 

Boil water in a big vessel / pot  until bubbles appear vigorously.

Add the peas and soda bi carb,  the peas will all float on the top,   keep for a minute,  when you see bubbles just beginning to appear. Immediately take  off  flame and pour it into the strainer, run the tap of cold water to stop the cooking process. Cool them under running tap completely.

Drain the water completely.   Then spread it on a clean cotton cloth to dry  for about half an hour.  

Store it in a zip lock bag or an airtight container.  I store it like this.  Cut plastic sheets a little bigger than the size of the container.  Place one layer of peas according to one time use approximately.  Then place the plastic sheet on top, place another layer of peas.  Keep repeating this process till you finish storing all the peas.  This occupies less space in the fridge too.

Freeze it...  whenever you require peas just lift the plastic sheet and take the quantity you require for your use.  Keep the container back into the fridge.  In this manner you need not defrost the full lot. 

Frozen peas are very handy and cooks faster as its already parboiled.

To thaw the frozen peas:

Take the frozen peas keep it in a plate and let it come to room temperature,  they will separate, you can use it for the required recipe.

My Notes:

Blanching, then freezing them gives more shelf life also helps in easy cooking later and does not emit a raw smell.

Don't overcook the peas.

The peas slightly shrink.. it is perfectly normal not to worry.

Also before storing in zip lock/ container make sure there is no moisture in the peas  or else it will easily spoil.

I store the peas for 6 to 9 months and they are still fresh when defrosted.

Labels : Vegetables, Green Peas, Homemade, Blogging Marathon

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Fusion Bhel ( A low calorie)

In this Bhel all the ingredients are mostly available in every Indian household.  This is very low in calories, easy, quick to prepare and healthy.  This can be given as an evening snack to children.  This is a street food which is always loved by all.

This is the final three days of this month's Mega Marathon - Buffet on Table the theme is Bloggers Choice Day 24 .


2 Cups Puffed Rice / Kurmura 
1 Onion - finely chopped
1 Tomato - finely chopped
1 Potato - Boiled ( I baked it) - chopped
1 Teaspoon Tamarind Date Chutney
1 Tablespoon Schezwan Sauce
1 Green chilly (optional) - finely chopped
1 Tablespoon Coriander - finely chopped
1 Tablespoon Peanuts - roasted
1 Tablespoon Sev / Mixed Chivda
Salt to taste

In a large bowl mix all the ingredients to gather and mix well," VIOLA"  yummy bhel is ready to eat. 

To make it more interesting you can also add fried noodles which are readily available in any store. Adjust the sweetness/spicyness to your taste.

Serve and Enjoy !!!!!!!

Labels: Bhel, Kids delight, Puffed Rice, Vegan, Chats, Blogging Marathon 

Check out the Blogging Marathon page for the other Blogging Marathoners doing BM# 56

Sweet Vermicelli / Seviyan Ka Meetha

Seviyan is Vermicelli, this is a thin spaghetti which is used to make sweet and savory dishes. This is a quick dessert, usually made for festive occasions, but I make this for breakfast. We love this dish. Usually in this seviyan cardamon powder is used to flavor, but I prefer to use vanilla essence, which gives a unique flavor to this dish. Try it and see.

Week 4 day  6 of our Mega marathon and this week the theme is Breakfast from Countries.  My today's breakfast is from none other than my own country Mera Bharat Mahan.


1 Cup Vermicelli  - crushed in small bits
2 Tablespoon Ghee
1-1/2 Cups water
Pinch salt
1/2 Cup sugar  or to taste
2 Tablespoons sliced almonds, cashews and raisins
1/2 Teaspoon Vanilla essence or cardamom powder


Melt the ghee pan over medium heat,  fry the nuts and raisins  lightly remove, keep aside.  In the same pan add vermicelli and stir fry until golden brown this should take about 4 minutes. Add water and salt. Increase the heat to high and bring it to boil. When the water starts boiling reduce the heat to low and cook till vermicelli is soft and the water is just absorbed but not dry.   Add vanilla essence,  sugar, mix it well and cook for 4 minutes over medium heat. Turn off the heat, cover the pan and let it sit for at least 10 minutes before serving.  Add the fried nuts and raisins, reserving some for garnishing.

Garnish  with the nuts and serve hot.  Enjoy!!!

My Notes: If vermicelli gets dry it will become hard after adding sugar, add 1-2 spoons of water before adding the sugar.

Labels:  Sweets & Desserts, Vermicelli, India, Blogging Marathon

Check out the Blogging Marathon page for the other Blogging Marathoners doing BM# 56

Hafragrautur / Oats Porridge - Iceland

Hafragrautur, or oatmeal is a staple diet of Icelandic families.

Oats and water or milk are mixed in a pot, left to simmer. Hafragrautur is usually served with a sprinkle of brown sugar or  a handful of raisins or a small cube of butter. This bowl of porridge really brighten our day, because in our we love oats.

Week 4 day 5 of our Mega marathon and this week the theme is Breakfast from Countries.
Serving 3 Persons


1/2 Cup Oats
2 Cups Milk
1/2 Cup Water
1 Tablespoon Sugar ( or more according to your taste)
3 Tablespoons Brown Sugar
1 Tablespoon Raisins - rinsed
A pinch of  freshly grated nutmeg


Soak the oats in water for 3 - 4 minutes.

While the oats are soaking, bring the milk to a boil. When it begins to boil, add the soaked oats along with the liquid. Reduce the heat to low and cook for 5 - 6 minutes or until the mixture becomes very thick.

Remove from heat, stir in nutmeg along with sugar and mix well. Serve it in a bowl spinkle brown sugar and raisins.

Have this comforting  and filling porridge warm.

Labels : Blogging Marathon, Breakfast, Healthy, Milk, Oats, Iceland, Continental Cuisine

Check out the Blogging Marathon page for the other Blogging Marathoners doing BM# 56

Pakistani Breakfast

In India and the neighboring countries breakfast is the most important meal of the day. There is saying have breakfast like King , lunch like a Prince and dinner like a Pauper. Yes this is true, start the day with a heavy breakfast and it's keep you going the whole day. Here I have presented a Pakistani breakfast Menu -- Khagina - Scrambelled Eggs., Aalu ki Subzi , Doodh Patti Chai and Tawa Klucha ( this klucha recipe will post later).

When I presented this breakfast on the table my hubby and daughter asked me are your friends coming for breakfast! They were so thrilled to see the spread and enjoyed it. By the way the remaining I, served for dinner. From the post you will notice that our way of cooking and theirs is the same except for the names.

Khagina - Scrambelled Eggs

4 Eggs - lightly beaten
1/4 Cup Oil
2 Onions - finely chopped
1/2 Teaspoon Turmeric
1/2 Teaspoon Red Chili Powder
2 Green Chilies - finely chopped
1 Tomato (de seeded ) - finely chopped
1/2 Teaspoon Salt
2 Tablespoon Coriander Leaves - finely chopped


Heat oil in a pan, fry the onions well only till translucent.
Add the turmeric powder, chili powder and the green chillies, fry for a minute, and then add the eggs and stir well then add tomatoes and lightly fry for a minute or two. . Then add the coriander leaves.
Serve hot with bread or chapattis or like I did with Tawa Kulcha.

Do not cook the tomatoes till they turn soft and mushy or else the khagina will be soggy and start leaving water.

Aalu ki Subzi - Potato Subzi

250 Grams Potatoes
2 Onions - sliced
1 Teaspoon Turmeric powder
1 Teaspoon Garlic Paste
1 Teaspoon Salt
2 Tablespoons Coriander Leaves - chopped
4 Green Chilies - finely chopped
1/4 Cup Oil
For the tadka:
1 Teaspoon Mustard Seeds
1/4 Teaspoon Fenugreek Seeds
2 Sprig Curry Leaves

Boil the potatoes and peel them. Then cut them into small cubes.

Heat a tablespoon of oil in pan and add the mustard and fenugreek seeds, when they start popping add the curry leaves. Keep this aside.

In a another pan heat oil add onions and fry till onions are translucent then add garlic paste, turmeric and green chilies. Fry well. Add potatoes, salt and mix well. Cook for 5 minutes stirring it after a minute or so or else it will burn at the bottom.

Add coriander leaves along with tadka and serve.

Doodh Patti Chai

This is one thing we miss whenever we visit Europe. Last year during our long stay with my daughter I had carried a packet of tea leaves. I use to go the community kitchen to help them once a week wherein they requested me to prepare  Chai. They were so thrilled to have this. This how I make my chai...

1 Cup Water
2 Cups Full Cream Milk
2 Teaspoons Tea powder leaves
3 Teaspoons Sugar or according to taste


Take a saucepan add the water, keep  the pan on  medium flame. After 2-3 min the water will start giving out the bubbles (do not bring it to a rolling boil). Add milk when it starts coming to a boil, add tea powder. Now leave it to boil on low flame. Wait for 2-3 minutes and then add sugar. Boil the tea until it comes to a rolling boil. Turn off the flame, wait for the mixture to settle down. Pour it in the cup, filtering off the tea residue, using a strainer. Serve hot.

Labels : Breakfast, Pakistan, Asian Cuisine, Potato, Egg, Milk, Tea, Blogging Marathon

Check out the Blogging Marathon page for the other Blogging Marathoners doing BM# 56

Spanish Omelet - Spain

We are in the fourth week of our Mega marathon and this week the theme is Breakfast from Countries.

My third post is from Spain a country, recently visited and loved my stay there - the Tapas restaurants, the beautifully designed architectural buildings and other places. As usual enjoyed my food there but my hubby a veggie had to live on eggs and pastas. I even had to opportunity to visit a food festival and simply enjoyed it. Let's go to the post my hubby's favorite ...


2 Eggs
1/2 Teaspoon Salt
1/2 Teaspoon Black Pepper
1/2 Capsicum - finely sliced
1 Small Onion - finely sliced
1 Tablespoon Sweet corn - boiled
1 Large Mushrooms - sliced
2 Tablespoon Oil

Beat the eggs with salt, pepper and milk well.

Heat a frying pan with oil, add the capsicum, onion, mushrooms and stir fry for 2 minutes then pour the eggs on it, spread the eggs evenly in the pan, cover and cook till done, and press gently. Remove it on a serving plate and serve hot with buttered toast. 

Labels : Breakfast, Egg, Healthy, Spain, Blogging Marathon, Continental Cuisine
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Sweet Corn Atole - Mexican

Atole (ah-TOH-leh) is an ancient Mexican beverage with origins in pre-Columbian times. Similar warm drinks, thickened with cornmeal, are found throughout Central America and are especially popular for breakfast. This is a healthy and creamy breakfast bowl. I loved it.

We are in the fourth week of our Mega marathon and this week the theme is Breakfast from Countries. My second post is a Mexican breakfast.
I have used fresh corn grains and cornstarch, to make this Atlole.

Recipe Source : here

Single serving


1/4 Cup Fresh Corn grains
1.1/2 Cup Milk
1/ 4 Cup Water
½ stick of Cinnamon
1 -2 Teaspoons Sugar (or adjust to your personal taste)
1 Teaspoon Cornflour


Dissolve the cornflour in water until there are not lumps. Set aside.
Puree corn grains with little milk in the blender until smooth.

Using a colander or sieve strain the liquid and pour into a saucepan adding the sugar, milk, the cornstarch-milk mixture and cinnamon.. Cook over medium heat bringing the mixture to a boil and stir frequently to avoid sticking, until mixture thickens. It took 15 minutes to get to this point. Remove from heat and serve warm. 

Labels :  Breakfast, Mexican, Healthy, Blogging Marathon, Corn, Continental Cuisine

Check out the Blogging Marathon page for the other Blogging Marathoners doing BM# 56

English Breakfast - United Kingdom

English breakfast is a breakfast which comes with toast, eggs, mushrooms, sometimes baked beans, bacon, sausage, grilled tomato, and hash browns. 

Through out Europe which ever hotel you stay this is breakfast is always present at the breakfast buffet. This is a filling as well as satisfying breakfast. The breakfast looks simple but it real fuel that keeps you going till late noon.

We are in the fourth week of our Mega marathon and this week the  theme is Breakfast from Countries. For the first day of this week I, have made the all time breakfast of United Kingdom called the English Breakfast. It's simple yet filling.

Single serving

2 Slices of Toasted Bread
2 Chicken Salami
3 -4 Chicken Sausage
1 Fried Egg
Jam and Butter as required

Lightly butter a pan and stir fry the sausage and chicken salami lightly. Remove and keep aside.

In the same pan add a little butter and break an egg add salt and pepper to taste. Fry the egg as per your taste, full fry or half fried. My daughter like half fried, when the whites is full fried just sprinkle some butter from the pan on the yolks till it get a light white coating. Remove and serve, with toasted bread slice, chicken sausage and salami. With jam and butter and not forgetting a glass of fresh fruit juice. Have a sumptuous breakfast.

Labels :  Breakfast, United Kingdom, Continental Cuisine, Egg, Blogging Marathon

Check out the Blogging Marathon page for the other Blogging Marathoners doing BM# 56