How to make frozen peas at home - Homemade Frozen Peas

This is delayed post, sorry friends was suppose to post it earlier it somehow forgot about it.  But very soon  green peas will come in the market the season is nearing.  When in season green peas are very cheap, that's the right time to bring and store them.  For when peas are not in season, they  are expensive too.  Today's post is  making your own homemade frozen peas! So lets get on how to make frozen peas at home !


3 Kg Fresh Green Peas
A pinch of Soda bi carb - optional
Water as required


Remove the peas from the pod, set aside. Rinse it well in a strainer once. 

Boil water in a big vessel / pot  until bubbles appear vigorously.

Add the peas and soda bi carb,  the peas will all float on the top,   keep for a minute,  when you see bubbles just beginning to appear. Immediately take  off  flame and pour it into the strainer, run the tap of cold water to stop the cooking process. Cool them under running tap completely.

Drain the water completely.   Then spread it on a clean cotton cloth to dry  for about half an hour.  

Store it in a zip lock bag or an airtight container.  I store it like this.  Cut plastic sheets a little bigger than the size of the container.  Place one layer of peas according to one time use approximately.  Then place the plastic sheet on top, place another layer of peas.  Keep repeating this process till you finish storing all the peas.  This occupies less space in the fridge too.

Freeze it...  whenever you require peas just lift the plastic sheet and take the quantity you require for your use.  Keep the container back into the fridge.  In this manner you need not defrost the full lot. 

Frozen peas are very handy and cooks faster as its already parboiled.

To thaw the frozen peas:

Take the frozen peas keep it in a plate and let it come to room temperature,  they will separate, you can use it for the required recipe.

My Notes:

Blanching, then freezing them gives more shelf life also helps in easy cooking later and does not emit a raw smell.

Don't overcook the peas.

The peas slightly shrink.. it is perfectly normal not to worry.

Also before storing in zip lock/ container make sure there is no moisture in the peas  or else it will easily spoil.

I store the peas for 6 to 9 months and they are still fresh when defrosted.

Labels : Vegetables, Green Peas, Homemade, Blogging Marathon

Check out the Blogging Marathon page for the other Blogging Marathoners doing BM# 56


  1. I make this every year and I think this post is appropriate at this time too..good one!

  2. I used to make these years back, with so much frozen stuff readily available, I have given up, specially with electric fluctuations, I hardly store anything in the freezer.

  3. I need peas pretty much in all my kids dishes. Good share

  4. I have never froze peas at home.But this sounds doable.Thanks for sharing.

  5. I miss Indian green peas. Love this fresh green peas. Even mom freezes. Here in the US we get lot of frozen never tried freezing peas.

  6. I do the same when peas in season.Useful post.

  7. Wow! that is a useful post. I usually just buy the frozen peas :)

  8. That is a very useful post Sneha. Love how bright and vibrant the peas look even after blanching.

  9. Very useful post, i do this way too..better than the store bought frozen ones.

  10. That is a useful post. I usually do with the frozen peas and never thought about the freezing process..
