English Breakfast - United Kingdom

English breakfast is a breakfast which comes with toast, eggs, mushrooms, sometimes baked beans, bacon, sausage, grilled tomato, and hash browns. 

Through out Europe which ever hotel you stay this is breakfast is always present at the breakfast buffet. This is a filling as well as satisfying breakfast. The breakfast looks simple but it real fuel that keeps you going till late noon.

We are in the fourth week of our Mega marathon and this week the  theme is Breakfast from Countries. For the first day of this week I, have made the all time breakfast of United Kingdom called the English Breakfast. It's simple yet filling.

Single serving

2 Slices of Toasted Bread
2 Chicken Salami
3 -4 Chicken Sausage
1 Fried Egg
Jam and Butter as required

Lightly butter a pan and stir fry the sausage and chicken salami lightly. Remove and keep aside.

In the same pan add a little butter and break an egg add salt and pepper to taste. Fry the egg as per your taste, full fry or half fried. My daughter like half fried, when the whites is full fried just sprinkle some butter from the pan on the yolks till it get a light white coating. Remove and serve, with toasted bread slice, chicken sausage and salami. With jam and butter and not forgetting a glass of fresh fruit juice. Have a sumptuous breakfast.

Labels :  Breakfast, United Kingdom, Continental Cuisine, Egg, Blogging Marathon

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