Sweet Corn Atole - Mexican

Atole (ah-TOH-leh) is an ancient Mexican beverage with origins in pre-Columbian times. Similar warm drinks, thickened with cornmeal, are found throughout Central America and are especially popular for breakfast. This is a healthy and creamy breakfast bowl. I loved it.

We are in the fourth week of our Mega marathon and this week the theme is Breakfast from Countries. My second post is a Mexican breakfast.
I have used fresh corn grains and cornstarch, to make this Atlole.

Recipe Source : here

Single serving


1/4 Cup Fresh Corn grains
1.1/2 Cup Milk
1/ 4 Cup Water
½ stick of Cinnamon
1 -2 Teaspoons Sugar (or adjust to your personal taste)
1 Teaspoon Cornflour


Dissolve the cornflour in water until there are not lumps. Set aside.
Puree corn grains with little milk in the blender until smooth.

Using a colander or sieve strain the liquid and pour into a saucepan adding the sugar, milk, the cornstarch-milk mixture and cinnamon.. Cook over medium heat bringing the mixture to a boil and stir frequently to avoid sticking, until mixture thickens. It took 15 minutes to get to this point. Remove from heat and serve warm. 

Labels :  Breakfast, Mexican, Healthy, Blogging Marathon, Corn, Continental Cuisine

Check out the Blogging Marathon page for the other Blogging Marathoners doing BM# 56


  1. I love this sweetcorn beverage. Though I have not tasted it, I can imagine how it tastes. We make something similar minus cinnamon & cornflour. Cinnamon must have give a nice aroma and flavor to the drink

  2. I have read about this, though I am yet to make it..looks quite filling!

  3. Very interesting beverage. Looks delicious.

  4. This sweetcorn beverage is amazing. I am yet to try this and also tamrindo

  5. Thats an interesting beverage, love the flavours went in it..Sounds awesome to start a day with.

  6. New to me, looks yummy & healthy

  7. What a creamy & yummy looking corn beverage.

  8. That looks like one creamy corn custard.
