Pulled Chicken & Celery Sandwiches#SundayFunday

Pulled Chicken & Celery Sandwiches are delicious and filling. A perfect meal to carry for your office lunch or kids school lunch box, serve these as party pleasers. What I love about sandwiches that they are shelf stable for at least 4 -5 day's in the refrigerator. Prepare them in advance and enjoy whenever you are hungry. For this you can use any leftover chicken.
4 - 6 Big Slices White Sandwich Bread
1 Cup Pulled Leftover Chicken
½ Cup Grated Cabbage
1 Carrot- grated
2 Tablespoons Finely Chopped Celery With Leaves
2 Tablespoons Finely Chopped Salad Leaves
1 Tablespoon Chopped Pickled Jalapenos
1 Tablespoon Chopped Pickled Gherkins
1 Tablespoon Sriracha Sauce
½ Cup Mayonnaise
3 Tablespoons Grated Cheese
Butter as required

In a bowl add mayonnaise, cheese, Sriracha sauce mix well to combine, then add in the chopped cabbage, carrot, jalapenos, gherkins , finely chopped celery with leaves, salad leaves , and pulled chicken mix well, Sandwich filling is ready .

Butter both the sides of the bread.
In one slice of bread , place 2 -3 tablespoons of the prepared filling and press to level it well.
Cover it with a another slice of bread. Like wise prepare the rest of the sandwiches and cling wrap them well. Refrigerate it for at least 3 -4 hours.
then trim the sides and cut into small triangles. 
Serve, Enjoy!!
Labels: Chicken, Burger , Cheese, Cabbage, Carrot, Celery, Salad Leaves, Sriracha Sauce, Kids delight, Dinner, Sandwiches, Mayonnaise, Bread Slices
For our event called Sunday Funday, wherein we share recipes our families will love to enjoy on a Sunday. Our host for this week's event our host, is Wendy of A Day in the Life on the Farm.   


  1. These would be fabulous for tea sandwiches too. I love all of the flavors!

  2. Party sandwiches are the best! You'd have to double the recipe if you invited me over, Sneha. :D

  3. Nice sandwiches for a party or lunch. A brilliant way to get hubby to enjoy celery....add it to his chicken sandwich.
