Waterford Blaas -Irish Bread Rolls#BreadBakers

Waterford Blaas makes large soft and tender Irish Bread rolls to which yeast is added. Blaas bread is perfect with a slather of butter or makes a delicious sandwich bread rolls.

Makes 6 Rolls

150 Ml+ Luke Warm Water
6 Grams Instant Yeast
6 Grams Sugar
250 Grams Bread flour + extra for dusting the rolls
5 Grams Salt
6 Grams Salted Butter

Place warm water in the bowl of the food processor, add the yeast and the sugar, let is sit covered for 5 minutes or till it foams. Add the flour, salt and butter. Give it a good stir, until combined. Knead this into a smooth and soft dough, add water as the food processor is running if necessary ( water depends on the quality of the flour)
Place the dough into an oiled bowl, cover with plastic wrap, and let rise in a warm spot until doubled in size ( depending on the temperature of the your kitchen/country).
Line a 6" x 8" height 2" baking pan with parchment and dust it liberally with flour.
Remove the dough from the bowl and deflate it. Divide the dough into 6 equal pieces (I used a scale to measure, each weighing 69 grams).
Form each piece into a ball, and then press each ball with the palm of your hand to flatten it into a disk. Place each disk side by side into the pan. Cover the pan with plastic wrap and place it in a warm spot to rise till double in size.
When the Blaas have doubled in size, 
liberally dust them with flour. 
Bake it in a preheat the oven @ 200°C, for 22 to 24 minutes.
Lift the parchment out of the pan and place the Blaas on a wire rack. Using a pastry brush, distribute the flour that is already on the rolls evenly over the tops.
These rolls can be served warm or cooled. Cool completely before storing.
My hubby enjoyed these blaas, 2 with butter and jam for breakfast, remaining I made egg & cheese sandwiches for him. These stay well in the refrigerator for 5 -6 days. Wrap them in a kitchen towel and place them in a zip lock bag. Whenever you want just warm them in a cloth in microwave for 20 seconds, they will come out fresh as ever.
Labels: Bread, Bread Bakers, Irish, Buns
Our host this month is Wendy of A Day in the Life on the Farm and asked the others to join her in sharing Irish Breads in honor of St. Patricks Day which is right around the corner. Let's see what everyone baked up for us today...

#BreadBakers is a group of bread loving bakers who get together once a month to bake bread with a common ingredient or theme. Follow our Pinterest board right here. Links are also updated each month on this home page.

We take turns hosting each month and choosing the theme/ingredient.


  1. So soft and fluffy looking. Just beautiful Sneha.

  2. Perfectly made blaas Sneha. I do buy them often and I can see that you have nailed the texture.

  3. These look just like my blaas! Very nice.

  4. Fabulous blaas, Sneha! You nailed it!

  5. Oh I really like the extra step of dusting the flour evenly on the tops so there is not a big bite of dry flour! Love how soft and fluffy they are.

  6. These look perfect and love the texture! Amazing bake!
