Pizza Cones - How to make Pizza Cones

Pizza cone is an innovative way to give kids . A perfect snack that is both delicious and impressive, while still being easy to make. Bread cones are not that difficult to make! Wrap strips of dough around each cone and you have a tasty snack which you can serve next to tea. Fill them with salad, vegetables and with any sauce. Kids will love this.. This was one recipe that was on my to do list, but for some reason kept postponing it. The other day my daughter was carving for pizza, so I made this and gave her, she was simply dumb founded. She could not believe that these were made at home. She loved these.


For dough:

2 Cups Flour
1/2 Cup  Warm Milk
1.1/2 Tablespoons Milk powder
2 Teaspoons Sugar
1 Tablespoons Oil
1 Tablespoon Melted Butter
2 Teaspoons Instant yeast
3/4 Teaspoon Salt
Warm water to make dough
Sesame seeds for sprinkling
Milk for brushing

For filling:
200 Grams Chicken breast
1/2 Teaspoon Garlic paste
1 Teaspoon Lemon juice
1/2 Tespoons Chili sauce
1/4 Teaspoon Mixed herbs 

1/4 Teaspoon Black pepper
1/4 Teaspoon Salt or to taste
1 Teaspoon Oil
1 Teaspoon Butter 

For sauce:
1/4 Cup  Thick Yogurt
1 Tablespoon Mayonnaise
1 Teaspoon Tahini paste 

1/2 Teaspoon Lemon juice
1/2 Teaspoon Pizza seasoning
1/4 Teaspoon Salt or to taste
1/4 Teaspoon Garlic paste
Lettuce thinly sliced


For dough:
Mix all the dough ingredients together expect the water and mix well.  Then add water as required and make soft dough , keand well and keep it in an oiled bowl and allow it to rest until double in volume.

When it doubles in size, punch down and roll it into a log and Cut the dough in 12-14 pieces. Shape them into balls and set aside to rest for 15 minutes. 

Wrap the cones in aluminium foil and grease them with oil well.  Roll each ball into a rope, roll them around the greased cone molds and leave them for 15 minutes.

 Brush with milk wash  and  sprinkle sesame seeds.

Bake in a pre heated oven at 180 C for 18 - 20 mins or until golden.

For filling:
Marinate chicken with all the ingredients for about ½ an hour
In a pan heat oil and butter, stir fry chicken until tender. 

For the sauce:
Combine all the ingredients.

To assemble:
Stuff each cornetto with lettuce, grilled chicken strips and finalyy drizzle with the prepared sauce. 

Enjoy your snack!

Linking this to Srivalli's Come , join us for breakfast event and her Blog Anniversary Mela
Lables : Starters, Breads, Blogging Marathon, Kids delight, Pizzas, Sandwiches 


  1. that is sooo good.... very nice snack idea.. bookmarking it..

  2. Pizza cones are cute and a nice idea.

  3. Innovative idea indeed. You are going to inspire many with this recipe :-)

  4. Cute idea to capture kids' attention.:)

  5. The cones are so cute. Snack on the go.

  6. great idea for kids , beautifully made

  7. These cones have been on my mind too. Very well done, bookmarking the cone recipe.

  8. Sounds so interesting..remember seeing this shape recently!

  9. great idea. thanks for sharing

  10. Wow, wat a beautiful pizza cones, kids will go crazy definitely.

  11. This is such an innovative recipe! Lovely!!

  12. What's the base of these cones ? As in what are the cones wrapped around ?? Nice cute idea

  13. Sounds interesting.. Looks so cute and delicious..

  14. What an attractive and innovative way to make bread cones and fill them. Kids will love them.

  15. Very innovative way to attract the kids. I think we did a chocolate version of these sometime back.

  16. We have made the same with chocolate for one of Baking eggless theme. Awesome and attractive shape and love that stuffing!! :)

  17. What a lovely recipe! I recently saw these cones in the shop and was tempted to buy one.
