Grape and Almond Clafoutis - Eggless - A French Dessert

Grape Clafoutis, a delicious and light French dessert. Clafouti is a French country dessert, something bewteen a custard and a cake, with fruit thrown in.  The recipe is easy and flexible – throw in any fruit you like, and serve the clafouti warm or at room temperature.


200 Grams Fresh Grapes
1/3 Cup Gulab Jamun Mix
2 Tablespoons Ground almonds
2 Tablespoons Condense Milk
3 -4 Tablespoons Milk
1/2 Tablespoon Sugar powder
1/4 Teaspoon cinnamon powder


Preheat the oven at 150 degrees.

Take a  fluted flan or pie dish and lightly butter the inside surface. Take the stalks off the grapes and place the grapes in the dish. Pack them in quite tightly. Sprinkle the sugar powder over it and keep this aside.

In a mixing bowl add the gulab jamun mix, ground almonds, condense milk, cinnamon powder, mix well. Add milk a tablespoon at a time and lightly beat with a whisk to mix well to make this a pouring consistency.

Pour this batter over the grapes and put into the oven. Cook for 25-30 minutes until the mixture sets and the top turns a golden colour and it starts leaving the sides. 

Take from the oven, allow to cool a little, and serve with whipped cream.

Served straight from the oven with whipped cream, a clafoutis is like a fruit flan without the pastry crust. This is easy to prepare and makes for healthy eating.

Labels : Cakes, Continental Cuisine, Blogging Marathon, France, Grapes, Almond


  1. I have all the ingredient at home right now and I might be baking this today evening! Good one Sneha and interesting to note that you have used gulab jamun mix :)

  2. Very interesting preparation. Was surprised at the use of gulab jamoon mix. Novel idea.

  3. that is so tempting... loving this bake...

  4. Mouthwatering! Gulab jamun mix is an interesting ingredient in a French dessert.. :) Looks delicious

  5. Clafoutis is so easy to prepare and they turn out very well for the little effort we put in!

  6. That's an interesting dessert!

  7. I was just thinking what new recipe I am going to learn and here it is. Lovely

  8. Another good use of gulab jamun mix!!! Bake looks really delicious!! :)

  9. Wow gulab jamun mix in clafouti, thats tremendous.. Elegant dessert.

  10. Gulab jamun in a french dessert ! Great idea !!

  11. Very innovative use of gulab jamun mix!

  12. Very interesting eggless clafoutis recipe. Interesting use of gulab jamun mix.

  13. This is such an interesting dish. Have never used jamun mix in bakes...

  14. What a lovely bake with gulab jamun mix! Very innovative.

  15. This is an interesting dish. As sandhya says very innovative
