Coconut Flour Banana Bread - Gluten & Sugar Free#BreadBakers

This is a gluten free banana bread so light and delicious. Use over ripe bananas. I made it without any additional sugar coz my bananas were so ripe and the result came out well and its too good! 
If in case the bananas are not over ripe then you can add ¼ cup caster sugar. Weigh the bananas without the skin then mash it up.

Makes 7 -8 slices

3 Eggs
70 Grams Coconut Flour
2 Teaspoons Baking powder
1/8 Teaspoon Salt
65 Ml Coconut Oil
200 Grams Mashed Bananas

Grease a pan size - 18 x 13cm.
Mash the bananas well. Beat the egg , add the oil and salt beat well. then add the coconut flour and fold it in with a spatula. Add in baking powder and mashed bananas. Fold it well. 
Pour this into a greased pan. 
Bake in a preheat oven at 180°C for 40 minutes. 
Ta da.. a delicious gluten and sugar free bread is ready to.
Labels: Breads, Bread Bakers,Coconut Oil, Coconut Flour, Banana, Gluten free, Sugar Free, Healthy, Quick Bread

#BreadBakers is a group of bread loving bakers who get together once a month to bake bread with a common ingredient or theme. Follow our Pinterest board right here. Links are also updated each month on this home page.

We take turns hosting each month and choosing the theme/ingredient.



  1. We tried a keto diet a while back and coconut flour was among my purchases. Your lovely loaf looks like a great use for it! Also a great way to use up the very ripe bananas no one wants to eat outright. Win-win.

  2. I used to bake often with coconut flour, this has a wonderful looking crumb! I should dig in the freezer for my flour...

  3. I've never baked with coconut flour. This looks great.

  4. I love anything coconut and I have a bag of coconut flour in my pantry. This bread has been in my list for some time and now I am going to try this delicious bread. Thanks for the recipe!
