Colourful Fruit Salad Pudding#SundayFunday

Colourful Fruit Salad Pudding is very quick and easy to make. It is a wonderful recipe that you could make for a family get together or parties. This is a special delight for kids who will love this this fruit salad which is also healthy and it is an easy way to get them to eat plenty/all kinds of fruit at once.
For this you can use any fruit that is readily or seasonal available, but do try this ... it's a delight isn’t it…!!!
Grapes - Green & Black
Musk Melon
Boiled Brown Gram
Greek Yogurt/Thick Fresh Hung Curd - whisked
Sweet Date & Tamarind Chutney
Homemade Frankie Masala


Take the fresh curd and drain the water by hanging it over night or 4-5 hrs in the refrigerator. Then whisk it. Keep it in the refrigerator till you assemble the fruit salad.
Chop the fruits in small pieces.
In a bowl layer all the cut fruits and add Homemade Frankie Masala to taste. Mix well. Spoon these into individual serving bowl. Add the whisked hung curd. Add a drizzle of sweet chutney, then again a dash of frankie masala. 
Serve chilled, Enjoy your colourful pudding.  
Labels: Fresh Fruits, Salad, Pudding, Kids delight, Yogurt, Sunday Funday
For our event called Sunday Funday, wherein we share recipes our families will love to enjoy on a Sunday.     


  1. Beautiful and so colorful!

  2. What a tasty, healthy treat!

  3. Sneha have tried a fruit salad with the date tamarind chutney. Got to give this recipe a try. Must be so flavourful.
