Basil Pesto With Almonds & Walnuts#SundayFunday

Pesto is one of my absolute ultra-flavorful sauces. A great pesto tastes fresh, nutty, garlicky and super delicious. Today, I’m sharing my favorite a pesto recipe with almonds and walnuts. Pesto is the perfect use for your summer garden basil surplus, these leaves are from my kitchen garden.

1 Tablespoon Parmesan Cheese
Olive oil as required
3 Cloves Garlic -  minced
Handful of Leaves Basil
10 Toasted Almonds
5 Pieces  Toasted Walnuts
Salt & Black pepper powder to taste
Grind all to a paste in a blender. Remove this into a glass jar. Add olive oil to cover if you want to retain it color in the refrigerator.

Labels: Pesto Sauce, Basil, Walnuts, Almond, Italian, International Cuisine, Sunday Funday, Gluten free 
For our event called Sunday Funday, wherein we share recipes our families will love to enjoy on a Sunday. Our theme is Pesto Recipe. 


  1. I love the use of 2 different types of nuts in this pesto.

  2. Almonds and walnuts in pesto sounds delicous.

  3. Lovely, next time will use two types of nuts.
