Eggless White Sandwich Bread#BreadBakers

Since the lock down I,  bake bread at home at least once a week. Once you start baking your own bread then you will not feel like buying bread from the bakery.  Making bread at home is a satisfying experience and is therapeutic too.
I, love baking breads at home, the whole process of making the dough, seeing it rise, the aroma of yeast, just fills the house, when the bread is getting baked. It's simply a pleasure, a joy when you see the bread baked to perfection and finally the satisfaction when you serve the bread to your family and they enjoy it. 
For this month's bread bakers our host Karen H Kerr asked us to bake "Sandwich Breads", so here is my Eggless White Sandwich Bread. Use this bread to make toast to sandwiches, see the step by step process of making your own bread.

400 Grams Bread Flour
30 Grams Sugar 
1 Teaspoon Salt  
1 Sachet Instant Yeast
275 Ml Approx Milk / Soy Milk
35 Grams Butter 


In a bowl add the flour, sugar, salt and yeast mix well then add the milk and knead to a soft smooth dough, take this out on to a work surface.  Add the butter and continue to knead till the butter is incorporated and it turns a soft smooth dough, keep this in the oiled bowl till it doubles in the size.
Then deflate the dough and flatten it divide it into three equal parts and then roll each part into a ball and keep it aside to rest for 15 minutes.
Then flatten one part and roll with rolling pin it into a long oval shape
fold lengthwise till it comes to the center 
again lightly roll it with a rolling pin. 
Now roll it into a tight roll 
pinch the ends.  The roll is ready, like wise make the other two.
Place them in an oiled  measuring 23 cm (9") long and height 10 cms ( 4") loaf pan
let it rise till it double in size. Milk wash them, I have used soy milk
Bake in a preheated oven at 180°C  for 30 -35 minutes.
 Perfectly baked
This soft and delicious sandwich bread
Slater it with butter or jam and enjoy with a cuppa of tea or coffee.
My Notes: 
You can make this vegan, just substitute butter with oil.
Labels:  Breads,  Baked, Breakfast,  Healthy, Bread Bakers, Eggless, Vegan

Welcome to Bread Bakers! Check out some of  Sandwich Bread baked this month.
 #BreadBakers is a group of bread loving bakers who get together once a month to bake bread with a common ingredient or theme. You can see all our lovely bread by following our Pinterest board right here. Links are also updated after each event on the #BreadBakers home page. We take turns hosting each month and choosing the theme/ingredient.


  1. I feel exactly the same, Sneha. Baking bread and making jam are two things that give me joy, especially right now. Your sandwich loaf is lovely!

  2. I love the shaping method!

  3. Gorgeous color! That looks like a beautiful dough to work with and a lovely, fluffy loaf.

  4. Your bread looks super soft and delicious Sneha. You got a lovely crumb too!

  5. I so love the smell of yeast, and then the aroma of baking bread. There's nothing quite like it!

  6. Can u mention qty of yeast in grams?

  7. The bread has turned out very well and the texture looks so perfect.
