Chocolate Wonton Rolls#Choctoberfest

These chocolate wonton rolls are kids’ favorite dessert. Just use your favorite, dark chocolate in the middle of these wontons wrapper and ta..da.. chocolate wonton rolls are ready. 
8 - 10 - Homemade Wonton Wrappers
Chocolate Sticks as required - chilled
Vegetable Oil for deep frying as required


On a clean, dry surface, lay one wrapper down with a point toward you, like a diamond. Place one piece of chocolate near the top end of the wrapper. Brush a very thin layer of the water on the edges of the wrapper. Roll the wrapper to create a long roll and gently press to remove all air from the middle. Press the edges to seal the end. Make sure the wrapper is sealed completely. Repeat with the remaining wrappers and chocolate pieces. Keep the folded chocolate wontons covered under plastic wrap or a damp towel to prevent them from drying.
In a deep frying pan heat oil and gently slide a two or three  chocolate wontons at a time. Make sure you don’t crowd the pan too much. Fry  a minute or 11/2 minutes, then flip and fry another minute until both sides are golden brown and crisp.
Labels : Chocolate, Wontons, Chinese, Choctoberfest, Deep Fried, Dessert, Sweets & Desserts, Kids delight 
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