
Guacamole, a dip made from avocados, from Mexico. This is my daughter's favorite, she can have it with anything she fancies.
1 Avocado
Salt to taste
2 Teaspoon Fresh Lime Juice
2 Small Baby Onions - finely chopped
¼ Teaspoon Cayenne pepper
1 Teaspoon Coriander Leaves

Cut avocados in half, lengthwise and use a spoon to scoop out the seed. Scoop out the flesh and add to a bowl.

Add lime juice then use a fork to mash until creamy, but still chunky. Stir in the , cioriander leaves, cayenne pepper, onions and salt . Taste the guacamole and adjust with additional salt, peppers, or lime juice. 
Serve immediately or cover with  cling film and refrigerate up to one day. 
Serve with tortilla chips or next to your favorite fajitas or tacos
Labels :  Avocado, Lime, Guacamole, Dipping Sauce, Healthy, Improv Cooking Challenge, Vegan, Gluten free, Single Serving

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Improv Cooking Challenge: June 2019
Ingredients: Avocado & Lime

Avocado & Lime
Improv Cooking Challenge


  1. We love Guac in this household. This version sounds yummy.

  2. Such simple ingredients, but such a delicious result!
