Bora Berry Tart#BakingBloggers

Bora berries are a popular fruit from India. It is commonly found at road side carts. 
As kids we use to buy this fruit to eat after school and enjoy it with salt. I go climbing the forest hills every day this fruit is widely available there, we collected these and made this tart for my friends. 

For the Shortcrust

200 Grams All Purpose Flour
100 Grams Butter

A Pinch Salt 
1 Tablespoon Water

For the Coconut Filling

1 Tablespoon Butter - softened
1/4 Cup Sugarcane Jaggery
1 Egg
1/2 Cup Coconut flour - Homemade
50 Grams All Purpose Flour
Pinch Cinnamon powder  & Nutmeg powder

1 Tablespoon Milk
1/2 Cup Bora Berries - deseeded and chopped
Bora Berries for garnishing as required


Mix all the ingredients to make the short crust pastry. Work the dough well out and smooth and let it stand for at least 1 hour in refrigerator. 
Remove the dough from the refrigerator (if refrigerated longer than 1 hour, let stand at room temperature until workable). Unwrap and roll out between 2 lightly floured large sheets of parchment paper or plastic wrap to a round according to the size of the pan ( used a 6.1/4 inch tart pan). Transfer the dough to the tart pan. Ease the dough into the pan corners and press the dough against the fluted sides of the pan. If some sections of the edge are too thin, reinforce them by folding the excess dough back on itself. Run the rolling pin over the top of the tart pan to remove the excess dough. Prick the bottom and sides of the dough all over with a fork. Set the dough-lined tart pan on a large plate and refrigerate for 20 minutes.

Preheat oven to 180 degrees . Set the dough-lined tart pan on a baking sheet, press a  foil into the frozen tart shell and over the edge and fill with  ceramic pie weights or beans. Bake for 15 minutes, rotating halfway through the baking time. Remove from the oven and carefully remove the foil and weights. Continue to bake until deep golden brown, 5 to 8 minutes longer. Set the baking sheet with the tart shell on a wire rack and cool to room temperature.

In the meanwhile let's prepare the filling. 

In a bowl mix butter, jaggery till smooth. Add the Coconut flour, flour, eggs, milk and cinnamon and nutmeg powder. Mix it all well add  the  chopped bora berries and  fold in well.
Once the tart shell is cooled completely then fill the coconut paste mixture and arrange the bora berries on top. 
Bake the tart for about 35-40 minutes or until golden at 180 C. Do the poke test to see if it's done in the center (if anything sticks on the fork or tooth pick, it will need some more baking time).  
Cool it and slice it
My Notes
I made my own Coconut flour, by drying the scraped coconut in the oven for 30 minutes a 100 C. Then  ground the dried coconut to a fine flour. Store it in a airtight container.
Lables : Tart , Baked, , Bora Berry, Homemade, Coconut Flour, Jaggery, Baking Bloggers, Healthy, Sweets & Desserts

Baking Bloggers

Baking with Summer Berries


  1. Oh my goodness, I will have to see if I can get my hands on some bora berries. Wouldn't my guests be delighted with a new berry dessert?

  2. Bora berries are totally new to me. I wonder if they have them in Little India here!

  3. This fruit sounds so interesting and the pie, delicious!

  4. Now I have a new goal in try bora berries! Faith, Hope, Love, & Luck - Colleen

  5. I'm unfamiliar with bora berries but they remind me of our gooseberries. I wish I could try them some day! Are they sweet or tart?

    1. They are sweet and delicious, you can't stop eating these.

  6. You always have the most interesting recipes. I'd love to try Bora Berries, they sound interesting, and of course not something we'd find in the US.
