Cloverleaf Rolls#BreadBakers

So quickly the months have gone by, 2018 is over and we ushered into a new year 2019. Our Bread Bakers theme for the new year begins with Good Luck Breads, our host is Felice Geoghegan
I, made these  Eggless Cloverleaf Rolls for this event. Cloverleaf rolls are small balls made of three sections and more like a pull-apart bun. These are a real treat and very versatile, can be eaten for dinner or for breakfast with butter and jam.
Makes 12 Rolls

300 Grams Bread Flour
200 Ml Warm Milk
11 Grams Hefe / Fresh Yeast
2 Teaspoons Sugar
3/4 Teaspoon Salt
2 Tablespoons Oil
50 Ml Water


In a mixing bowl or food processor add the sugar, yeast, milk, when the yeast starts to bubble, add the flour, salt and oil, and run the processor on low speed adding the water a little at a time till it forms into a dough. Now run the food processor on high speed to make a nice soft and smooth dough for about 8 to 10 minutes. 
Shape the dough into a ball and lightly coat with oil place it into a bowl. Cover the bowl with damp cloth and set it at room temperature to double in volume.
Brush a 12 cup muffin tin with oil and keep aside.

When the dough has doubled, punch it down and divide it into 12 parts. Divide each part into three equal-sized pieces and roll each piece into tiny balls. I used the kitchen scale to make equal size balls around 15 to 16 grams each.
Place 3 balls, seam side down, in each muffin cup. Brush them with milk, cover the muffin tin with damp cloth , put it in a warm spot and let the rolls rise till they double in size.
Preheat the oven to 200 degrees.Once they double in size and bake the cloverleaf rolls until golden brown, about 22 to 25 minutes.
Remove the rolls from the oven, and brush immediately with the melted butter. After 5 minutes, carefully transfer them to a rack. 
Serve warm, or at room temperature. 
Enjoy them for breakfast or dinner.
Labels : Breads, Bread Bakers, Cloverleaf Rolls, Eggless, Breakfast, Dinner, Good Luck Breads
#BreadBakers is a group of bread loving bakers who get together once a month to bake bread with a common ingredient or theme. You can see all our of lovely bread by following our Pinterest board right here. Links are also updated after each event on the #BreadBakers home page. We take turns hosting each month and choosing the theme/ingredient. If you are a food blogger and would like to join us, just send Stacy an email with your blog URL to This month, the Bread Bakers are making Good Luck Breads, a theme chosen by Felice from All That's Left Are The Crumbs.
Don’t forget to check out all the amazing breads baked by our talented bakers ~


  1. Beautiful cloverleaf bread. They look so soft and yum

  2. These are sooooo cute! They've been on my list for a long time!

  3. Hello Sneha, We made similar rolls :) and eggless version. your cloverleaf rolls have a beautiful colour and look so soft. These look delicious!
