Mutton Paya Soup / Trotters / Goat Legs Soup #SoupSwappers

Mutton Paya Soup is  made from the legs of goat/ lamb which are also called as  trotters / paya and this is a very healthy soup recipe.  This  bone broth is medicinal in ways its really good for bones, since it actually strengthens our bones.
  This is excellent when one has undergone surgery or when the  doctor tells you have iron, protein, calcium rich food for speedy recovery which helps you to  regain your health quickly.  

In soup swappers this month Wendy , our host, asked us to share a soup that has special memories for you and memories associated with it.
This delicious recipe for paya soup comes from my mother, its a East Indian recipe.  This one soup that we all  really loved and would wait when my mummy would make it.  She would make this practically every alternate week, since always one of the six siblings would be down with cough or cold.  My second sister and me, always suffered from running nose through out the year.  Mummy would make these with freshly pounded spices.  I, have made it with my  Homemade Garam Masala powder that is made for the whole year.

This is such a delicious, healthy soup and you must try it.


4 Goat legs / Paya - cut into pieces
1 Onion - finely chopped
1 Green Chilly - finely chopped
3 Cloves Garlic - finely chopped
1/2 An Inch Piece of Ginger - finely chopped
1 Bay leaf
1 Teaspoon Homemade Garam Masala powder
1/2 Teaspoon Heaped Turmeric powder
1/2 Teaspoon Black Pepper powder
Salt to taste
1/2 Teaspoon Sugar 
1 Tablespoon Oil


Wash the pieces of paya/ lamb legs very well with wheat flour and  then in fresh water for about 5-6 times. This  washing is essential,  paya contains tiny hair which are not visible and cleaning them with wheat flour basically takes the hair out and gives a hair free paya.
Heat oil in  a pressure pan, add  ginger, garlic paste, bay leaf, onions and green chilly, saute till the onions are soft. 

Add the paya pieces, garam masala, turmeric and black pepper powders, salt, sugar, mix well.  Then add 4  cups of water & pressure cook  for one whistle on high flame then for  20 minutes  for very low flame or till done. 
Remove from heat check for seasoning, garnish with chopped coriander leaves and mint leaves (optional ).  I did not add, Serve hot and enjoy with crusty bread slices.  It's so delicious and turned out awesome!
My Notes

This mutton paya can be made in slow cooker too.

Labels  : Soup, Paya, Soup Swappers, Healthy, Mutton, East Indian, Trotters


  1. I have never seen goat available around me but haven't looked for it either. I hope to make this with goat but I can always use lamb. My friend, Fr. Rooney, tells me that in Ireland, from which he hails, lamb and goat are used interchangeably.

    1. Yes you can use lamb trotters. Both are the same in taste expect for the size of legs.

  2. I love lamb; this sounds great, Sneha! P~

  3. This is an interesting soup, you have such fun recipes to share. I wonder if you can make it with fresh pork? Goat isn't readily available in my part of the world.

  4. This sounds delicious! I will try it with lamb for sure!

  5. It is wonderful that soups can also be made for medicinal comforting when you don't feel well. Your soup looks lovely.

  6. Oh, this is one I need to try. It sounds lovely!!!

  7. Certainly sounds like a very memorable soup for you!

  8. This looks very healthy, Sneha. Thanks for sharing.
