Chatpati Machli #FishFriday

Made this Chatpati Machli for lunch when my daughters friends visited us.  Served this with steamed rice and the bowl was clean.  This  really delicious ,  not very spicy and quick to make.  It's a Bangladeshi recipe.


500 Grams Boneless fish - cut into cubes- I used Surmai / Seer Fish
2 Tablespoon Lemon juice 
6 Whole Button Red chilies 
1/2 Teaspoon Turmeric powder
1/4 Cup Oil 

1 Teaspoon Salt  or to taste
1 Teaspoon Kalonji / Onion seeds
1 ½ Teaspoon Level Red Chili powder

1 Teaspoon Garlic paste  
1 Cup Yogurt -  beaten
4 Tablespoons Brown onion - powdered
2 Tablespoons Coriander leaves - chopped

Dry Grind to a coarse powder
1 Teaspoon Mustard seeds
8 Dried Red chilies
Teaspoon Fenugreek  / Methi seeds 

1 Tablespoon Coriander seeds
Teaspoon Heaped Fennel seeds

Teaspoon Cumin seeds 


Coarsely grind  the cumin, fennel seeds, coriander seeds, fenugreek seeds, and mustard seeds, keep aside. 

Apply salt to the  fish  and place it in water ,then wash it in fresh water  and pat it  dry. Then marinate fish with lemon juice and keep it aside for 30 minutes.

 Heat oil, add whole red chilies, onion seeds, with garlic paste and  fry then add 2 tablespoon water and add turmeric powder,  chilly powder, salt, then the ground powder, yogurt, and fry well then add the fried onions and quarter cup water, fry well,  Cover and cook till oil surfaces then add the  fish and again cover and cook for 5 minutes, lastly add chopped coriander leaves.  Serve with steamed rice.
Sending this to this month's Event for Fish Friday Foodies our · Host by Karen H Kerr and the theme is Asian Flavors.  Thank you Karen for hosting this month's event.

Labels :  Chatpati Machli, Surmai Fish, Seafood/Fish, Bangladesh, Fish Friday


  1. Looks very warming for chilly weather!

  2. I think I could actually smell that photo....oh my YUM

  3. This looks and sounds delicious!

  4. This sounds delicious! I love that your daughters' friends loved it too!
