Petits Pain au Chocolat - Mini Chocolate Croissant

These homemade petit (small) and flaky French-style croissants filled with chocolate were a treat for the eyes . When I made these delicious small pastries my hubby's favorite, it bought memories of our stay in Europe since last two summers. Pain au Chocolat were his breakfast daily which he simply loved. He was so surprised to see these beauties with his evening tea and they disappeared too quickly.

Sending these to the #Bread bakers event. This month’s theme, is hosted by Ruchik Randhap . Thank you Shireen for hosting this event.

2 Sheets Croissant Dough (8" x 6") -Homemade
All-purpose flour, for work surface
1 Egg - for brushing
Mini Milk Chocolates as required


Line baking sheet with parchment paper or foil.

Place dough on a lightly floured work surface; cover and let stand until butter is slightly softened for 5  minutes.

Roll dough out to a 8 x 6-inch rectangle. Measure it with a tape or rule. 
  Place a chocolate piece  one inch away from the edge of the pastry.   Brush the edge of the sheet with egg wash and the sides of each croissant. Fold   the dough tightly, enclosing chocolate.   

Then cut them into pieces. Place pastry rolls on baking sheet.

Cover pastries with plastic wrap and refrigerate till they double in size or you can keep them overnight in the fridge and bake them next day. Cover and refrigerate remaining egg glaze.  

See the petits pain au chocolat -- the chocolate oozing out. Just waiting for them to cool, so that I can bite into these beauties.

When they double in size. preheat oven to 160°F.  Brush tops of pastry rolls with remaining egg glaze.  

Bake until pastries are golden brown, about 15 to 20 minutes. 

Serve warm or at room temperature.  Take a hot cup of chai and these beauties... enjoy...

Lables : Breads, French Cuisine, Bread Bakers, Chocolate, Croissant
Breads with Cocoa, Cacao or Carob in any form
BreadBakers Breads with Cocoa, Cacao or Carob in any form #BreadBakers is a group of bread loving bakers who get together once a month to bake bread with a common ingredient or theme. Follow our Pinterest board right here. Links are also updated each month on this home page.

We take turns hosting each month and choosing the theme/ingredient.

If you are a food blogger and would like to join us, just send Stacy an email with your blog URL to


  1. I have yet to make croissants. Your flaky ones with chocolate inside may just tempt me to try it for the first time.

  2. I love that these can be made ahead and then baked the next morning, Sneha. What a delightful breakfast they would be!

  3. I love how beautiful this bread is and that it wasn't too difficult to make.

  4. Your croissants look so pretty! Love that you made your dough at home to be used any time you like! Thanks for participating in this event!

  5. I loved these croissants! Really amazing and look like the ones from Starbucks. Pinning this recipe to make soon :)

  6. what a lovely bread this is, and that too with homemade croissant dough !

  7. Those are about the best things ever! I don't think I could stop eating them!!

  8. Petits pain au chocolat looks so perfect, just like the ones they sell in the coffee shops.

  9. They look so cute and delicious. Yummy yumm!!

  10. Love the idea of mini pain au chocolat! Bite size goodness !

  11. Oh my! Sneha your croissants are fabulous.

  12. these look so good - could use one now with my breakfast

  13. Verdade seja dita, este é o melhor portal que discute sobre este assunto .
    muito show !

  14. Wonderful post, so heart felt and honest! PS. Love the easy recipe. Regards Becky
