Sweet Celebrations - A Quick Microwave Desserts

This is a quick microwave dessert - one minute. I made this dessert for us on a Sunday and its was yummy. When I made this dessert a day before was very busy with lots of work in the kitchen, doing too many things at a time. But in making desserts one needs to focus on that particular task which I didn't and this curdled. I just forgot to give it a steam bath. It tasted delicious but the silky creamy effect all gone. Promised my hubby that tomorrow will make it again, it tasted silky creamy and he enjoyed it.

Sending this to this month's BM week 2 - Mug treats


1/3 Cup Condensed Milk
1/3 Cup Yogurt
1/3 Cup Fresh Cream
8 - 10 Tinned Cherries - De - seeded
4 Small Bowls


With a hand blender , blend all the condensed milk, yogurt and fresh cream for a minute, then add 6 cherries and just pulse it on or twice, taking care that the cherries do blend completely. The mixture should have a marble effect only. Pour them into small bowls and keep side.

Pour 1/3 cup water into a microwave proof plate and keep it on high for a minute. Then place the filled bowls on this plate and microwave on high first for 30 seconds. Check if its a little wobbly its done or keep it for another 30 seconds.

Microwave time will depend on the quantity and size of the bowl. Mine got done in a minute. Keep it in the fridge to cool for an hour and serve with a cherry on top. 

Enjoy this delicious dessert.

Check out the Blogging Marathon page for the other Blogging Marathoners doing BM# 57

Labels : Sweets & Desserts, Yogurt, Condensed Milk, Fresh Cream, Blogging Marathon, Mug Treats, Microwave


  1. Seems to be a super delicious dessert and good that it can be done in s jiffy.

  2. That's quite quick..I love all MW quick dishes!

  3. Hey that is a very interesting dessert dished out of the mw.

  4. What a quick and delicious treat that is. Looks amazing.

  5. creamy and luscious - looks like my kind of dessert

  6. Thats an interesting quick dessert, looks rich and creamy.
