Mug Dhokla - A 2 Minute Microwave Recipe

Made this 2 mins microwave mug dhokla for our evening tea. This mug dhokla has to be eaten immediately or else it becomes chewy. So have it when its warm. 

Sending this to this month's BM week 2 - Mug treats

Ingredients per mug

3 Tablespooons Chickpea flour / Besan
4 Tablespoon Water
1 Tablespoon Oil
A pinch of Soda - bi - carb
3/4 Teaspoon Fruit Salt
A pinch of Turmeric
A pinch of Chilly powder

For the tadka

1 Teaspoon Oil
1/4 Teaspoon Mustard seeds
A pinch of Salt and Sugar
A tablespoon Water
A few drops of Lemon Juice
A Green Chilly - cut into 2 pieces

Mix all the ingredients expect the fruit salt till smooth and lump free. Then add the fruit salt and very quickly mix it, place it on a plate ( for it may spill over ) and microwave on high  for only 2 mins.

For the tadka

Heat oil in a laddle, add mustard seeds when it splutters, add the green chilly, then add water , salt , sugar and lemon juice. Let the water come to a boil, take off the flame, pour it over dhokla.  Serve warm and enjoy this quick spongy and yummy dhokla.  

You can easliy unmould this, just loosen the sides with a knife and lift it with a spoon.. ta .. da..aa.. here  it is .....

Check out the Blogging Marathon page for the other Blogging Marathoners doing BM# 57

Labels : Dhokla, Chickpea flour, Microwave, Mug Treats, Blogging Marathon


  1. Have tried MW dhokla before and have loved it.

  2. Sounds very innovative. Should make for a quick and filling snack.

  3. yes these come out so easy and quick to get it done!

  4. I have tried these MW dhoklas before and they turn out super.

  5. Wow, 2 minute dhoklas look so fluffy and delicious.

  6. WOW - to make this in microwave is an amazing feat!

  7. Thats really interesting to make dhokla through microwave.

  8. Dhokla in mug sounds doable .Interesting way.

  9. Wow! Never thought of dhokla in a mug....yummy
