Moorish Crunch Salad - Moroccan

This is recipe is from Jamie Oliver's Jamie's Kitchen. cookbook. This salad is so crunchy , sweet, we loved this salad.

2 Carrots, peeled
2 Radishes peeled

2 Apples
1 Tablespoon raisins or sultanas
1 Tablespoon coriander - roughly chopped
1 Tablespoon fresh Mint -  roughly chopped
1 Tablespoons Sherry
1 Tablespoons Olive oil
1 Tablespoon Tahini
Salt and freshly ground black pepper to taste
2 Tablespoons sesame seeds, lightly roasted


Finely slice your carrots into matchsticks. Finely slice your radishes into roundels. Quarter your apples, remove the cores and finely slice. Add all these to a bowl with the rest of the ingredients, apart from the sesame seeds. Toss together, carefully checking the seasoning, and serve with the sesame seeds sprinkled over the top. Eat straight away.

Linking this to Valli's 'Cooking from Cookbook Challenge: May -- Week 1.

Labels :  Salads, Apple, Carrot, Radish, CCChallenge, Healthy, Vegan, Moroccan, Continental Cuisine


  1. Jamie Oliver is one of my fave celebrity chefs and Moroccan one of my fave cuisines. this looks so good

  2. Such a healthy, delicious and colorful looking salad.

  3. Sounds quite interesting..never made such salads myself..must have been good..
