Mayonnaise With Egg - Homemade

My friends and followers of my blog were requesting me to give them the recipe of Egg Mayonnaise.  Here is the recipe for you.

This week theme that I have chosen for BM is Ready-made Products.  My first recipe under this theme is Mayonnaise.   This is fool proof recipe that will never fail.

Its a very simple process.   Making mayonnaise at home is healthy because you use the full egg, less salt and absolutely no preservatives.  Most of the store mayonnaise contain only the yolks of the egg and preservatives.  Once you start making mayonnaise at home you will never purchase a ready bottled one.  The homemade one is very delicious.

Homemade Mayonnaise
1 Egg
1 Cup Vegetable Oil
1 Teaspoon Mustard powder or paste
1/4 Teaspoon Salt or to taste
1/2 Teaspoon Sugar 

1/4 Teaspoon Pepper powder - freshly ground
1/2 Teaspoon Lime juice 
1/2 Teaspoon White Vinegar

Put the egg, mustard, pepper powder, salt and sugar into a blender and  blend on low speed for few seconds, 
add the lime juice and vinegar. Keeping the blender running, carefully and slowly add the oil in a stream through the top of the jar (the opening through which you can add liquids). Make sure that you add the oil slowly. Once it starts thickening, stop the blender, taste adjust seasoning,  blend again for a couple of seconds. 

Transfer to a clean and dry glass jar and refrigerate. I use this in salads, sandwiches, and other dressings as well.

I hope you try making your own mayonnaise at home.  This will stay good for 2 weeks in the refrigerator. 

Note :  If you've reached the desired consistency, you can stop adding the oil. If you need more of it, feel free to do so.

If you are using mustard sauce, then reduce the salt and vinegar quantity.

I used the small chopper to  make the mayonnaise.  A hand blender can used to prepare the same.

Check out the Blogging Marathon page for the other Blogging Marathoners doing BM#52.Labels : Egg, Healthy, Mayonnaise, Chutneys & Dips, Homemade, Ready/Instant Mixes


  1. Very silky and beautiful home made mayonnaise, just fabulous.

  2. It is so nice and creamy. Very useful recipe.

  3. Useful and great post dear.

  4. Oh that's wonderful to make mayo at home. Looks perfect.

  5. perfect textured mayonnaise - great post

  6. The homemade mayo looks so creamy!

  7. Looks very silky and creamy.

  8. The mayo looks so creamy! very well made and such a useful post :)

  9. You got the perfect texture for homemade mayonnaise. Very well done.
