Cheesy Pasta Noodles in Salsa Sauce

I had made Salsa sauce to eat with Nachos and had about 1/2 a cup remaining, I had to make my third recipe for this month BM.  The thought just came to my mind why don't I marry off Spaghetti with Salsa.  So I took out the spaghetti made the pasta dish ready and served it to my daughter,  packed a tiffin full for my beta.  They both enjoyed it and asked me what sauce and cheese did I use.  This was really delicious and yum.  So here's the recipe...


A packet of  Spaghetti
1/2 Cup Salsa Sauce - I used home made
2 Tablespoons Olive Oil
1 Capsicum  - sliced
Black Olives for granshing
Cheese according to your taste


Boil the pasta as per the packet instructions drain and keep aside. Reserve a cup of water.

In a big wok heat oil add the capsicum and salsa sauce stir fry for 2 mins add the pasta water and let it boil add salt to taste and when it boils add the pasta and stir fry it for a minute.

Serve it black olives and cheese.  This cheese that is used a roasted chicken flavored and herbed cheese cubes.  My brother gave me a big box of different flavored cheese and all of them taste awesome.

This is my entry for the BM #50, theme Pasta with different sauces.

Check out the Blogging Marathon page for the other Blogging Marathoners doing BM#50

Labels : Pasta & Noodles, Blogging Marathon, 


  1. Very interesting combo. Nothing I would have ever thought of.

  2. Must say this is quite a new combo..why not when kiddos love it..:)

  3. So innovative of you to use salsa sauce for pasta! Looks good!

  4. That is quite an interesting marriage Sneha :-) Spaghetti with salsa sounds like a very delicious fusion dish.

  5. My mouth is just watering here, salsa sauce sounds irresistible.

  6. Ah it surely tastes good , i do it quite often and we all relish it.

  7. That's an interesting combo. Seems like a hit with your family.

  8. Interesting combo of spaghetti and salsa!!
