Keto Bullet Coffee#SundayFunday

This is my version of making this Keto Bullet Coffee. If you have this made with cream then you will not fill hungry and want to eat any thing else. It fills your tummy and satisfices your hunger pangs. If you want to add any sweetener feel free to add according to your taste, I have not added it.

Serve One
50 Ml Hot Water
2 Sachets Instant Coffee Powder- 14 gram each
100 Ml Full Fat Milk
150 Ml Whipping Cream
1 Teaspoon Butter

Heat the water and milk, when hot add the cream and let it heat till it starts to scald at the sides. Then add the coffee powder and butter whisk with a hand blender till frothy. 
Enjoy with a dusting of unsweetened cocoa powder.
Labels: Keto, Coffee, Sunday Funday, Bullet, Serves One
For Sunday Funday our theme is Hot Hot teas, coffee or drinks!