Brown Bread Dark Chocolate Bread Bundt Pudding#BundtBakers

This is delicious pudding that requires no custard or ice cream to serve. The gooeyness of chocolate and the softness of the bread is just delicious, you can't stop at one helping that's for sure.

335 Grams Brown Bread - thickly sliced
50 Grams Softened Salted Butter or as required
4 Eggs
60 Grams Granulated Sugar
1 Tablespoon Cocoa powder
140 Grams Dark Chocolate - chopped
300 Ml Fresh Cream
1 Teaspoon Orange zest
400 Ml Milk
30 Grams Raisins
Vanilla Ice cream, to serve - optional

Butter a 10" ring pan well.
Spread butter both sides of the bread slices and arrange them in the pan. Arrange bread in prepared buttered pan.
Sprinkle half of the chopped chocolate on the pieces of bread.
Whisk the eggs, sugar until combined, then stir in cocoa powder, orange zest, raisins, half of the chocolate and milk. 
Pour chocolate cream mixture over, making sure all bread is coated. Set aside for an hour for bread to soak up mixture.
Tent the bundt pan with foil and Bake at 180 degrees C for 35-40 minutes until edges are set but center has a wobble.   
Remove from oven and set aside to cool slightly.
Unmold and enjoy.. just delicious ..yum yum!!
Labels: Chocolate Pudding, Bundt, Bundt Bakers, Baked, Dessert 

BundtBakers is a group of Bundt loving bakers who get together once a month to bake Bundts with a common ingredient or theme. You can see all our lovely Bundts by following our Pinterest board. We take turns hosting each month and choosing the theme/ingredient.

This month Simply Inspired Meals is hosting Spooky Bundt Cakes. She asked the group to make any cake that had some element that made it spooky. This wonderful group is administered by Stacy of Food Lust People Love. Updated links for all of our past events and more information about #BundtBakers, can be found on our home page.
Bread Pudding Bundts 


  1. Love the chocolate and citrus additions to this bread pudding.

  2. Shena...Delicious recipe, I love those pieces of chocolate!!
