Choreg – Armenian Easter Bread#BreadBakers

Choreg is a traditional, slightly sweet bread, especially made for Easter. It is delicious for breakfast with a nice cup of coffee. This has an amazing smell and flavor, it's a lovely, tender, lightly sweet bread. 

250 Grams Bread Flour
50 Grams All Purpose Flour
50 Grams Caster Sugar
1 Tablespoon Heaped Milk Powder
1¼Teaspoon Instant Yeast
½ Teaspoon Sea Salt
½ Teaspoon Ground Mahleb
¼ Teaspoon Cinnamon Powder
¼ Teaspoon Vanilla Extract
50 - 75Ml Room Temperature Water 
½ Large Egg
45 Grams Butter
For Egg Wash
½ An Egg - beaten
1 Tablespoon Sesame Seeds

Water depends on the size of the eggs and flour so add little at a time
In the bowl of a stand mixer/food processor, combine the flour, milk powder, yeast, sugar, mahleb, cinnamon and salt. Whisk to combine. Add in the egg, butter, vanilla and water. Knead until dough ball begins to form - mix on medium about 5 more minutes.
Remove dough from the bowl, add a bit of oil to the bottom. Cover bowl with a tea towel and set in a warm place until it doubles in volume. When doubled in size, punch down and cover again. Allow to rise a second time. Check in about 25 to 30 minutes (depending on the country and room temperature).
When it has doubled in size again, split dough into 6 equal pieces. 
Roll each of those pieces into 12-inch ropes. Cover and let it rest for 10 minutes.
Re roll into ropes to 12 inch ropes . Pinch the ends of ropes tightly together.
Twist the ropes tightly into a braid.
Then make a ring and pinch the ends. Repeat for the two set of dough.
Place them on a baking sheet, cover and allow to rise again for about 20 to 22 minutes.
In the meanwhile preheat the oven to 180°C. Brush the loaves with beaten egg and sprinkle with sesame seeds. 
Bake for 25 minutes in the preheated oven, or until nicely golden brown all over.
See how perfectly baked they are and smell awesome! 
Enjoy warm!! 
Labels: Breads, Bread Bakers, Armenia, Easter Breads, Egg, International Cuisine
I am hosting this month and asked the others to join me in sharing Easter Breads
#BreadBakers is a group of bread loving bakers who get together once a month to bake bread with a common ingredient or theme. Follow our Pinterest board right here. Links are also updated each month on this home page.

We take turns hosting each month and choosing the theme/ingredient.


  1. These are beautiful!! Love the twists and the sesame seeds.

  2. Love the shaping on these, they are beautiful! I will try this one out!

  3. Your yeasted Choreg looks delicious I love this bread.

  4. Those look wonderful, Sneha! They ARE baked perfectly!
