Sourdough Boule#BreadBakers

After a long time baked a sourdough bread and I love sourdough breads. This boule turned out beautiful. 

60 Grams Active Sourdough Starter - 100% hydration
210 - 215 Grams Water
270 Grams All Purpose Flour
30 Grams Whole Wheat Flour
6 Grams Sea Salt

Afternoon of Day One
Do not add all the water if you are using all purpose flour since it absorbs less water. So reserve 15 grams separately (which I did not use).
Whisk the active starter and water together in a large bowl . With your hand, mix the flour until combined. Cover with a damp towel or plastic wrap and let sit for an hour.
After an hour evenly disperse the salt on to dough and pinch the dough till the salt is well incorporated. Cover and keep it for 30 minutes.
Do four stretch-and-folds, 30 minutes apart, covering the dough with a plastic wrap between each "stretch-and-fold."
Cover the dough and let it rise for for about an hour at room temperature, until it nearly doubles in size.
Gently scrape the dough out onto a lightly floured work surface. Shape it into a boule without deflating the dough and let it rest for about 10 minutes, seam side down.
Line a round basket with a tea towel and generously sprinkle it with a 50/50 mixture of all purpose flour and rice flour.
Tighten up the dough by gently scooting it across the work surface to increase surface tension. Place the dough, seam side up, into the towel lined bowl. Cover and place into the refrigerator for 12 to 18 hours.
Evening of Day Two
Heat your oven to 225°C with a covered Dutch oven on the middle rack.
Remove the shaped loaf from the refrigerator while the oven is heating.
Place the parchment over the dough and invert the basket and remove the tea towel. Score the dough in the middle. Now carefully move the Dutch oven out of the oven and transfer the dough, using the parchment as a sling, to the Dutch oven. Cover and return the pan to the center rack of the oven.
Bake the loaf for 25 to 30 minutes, covered. Remove the pan from the oven, uncover, return the Dutch oven, to the oven, and bake it for another 10 to 15 minutes or until the crust is dark brown.
Cool the loaf on a wire rack for at least two hours before slicing.
Slather with butter or jam and enjoy!!
Labels: Sourdough, Breads, Bread Bakers, Healthy, Vegan, No Oil Or Butter
#BreadBakers is a group of bread loving bakers who get together once a month to bake bread with a common ingredient or theme. Follow our Pinterest board right here. Links are also updated each month on this home page. We take turns hosting each month and choosing the theme/ingredient.
This month’s event is Breakfast Bread hosted by A Messy Kitchen

And don’t forget to check out all the amazing Breakfast Breads baked by our talented bakers ~ Bread Baker's Event for July 2021  - Favorite Breads:
Be sure to check out all the favorites baked this week!


  1. What a beautiful bake! I love how the top turned out on your boule and the lovely loaf color.

  2. That's the perfect loaf! What a nice "tophat!"

  3. Your boule is lovely. Thanks for another sourdough inspiration.

  4. Sourdough is the best type of bread! I love it!

  5. That crumb looks perfect!!

  6. Beautiful boule Sneha. You inspire me to bake one soon.

  7. Your scored top turned out so pretty, Sneha! Lovely boule!
