Sourdough Discard Pancakes#BreadBakers

Our breakfast is a most important meal of the day, where we, have a scrumptious and delicious one. There are many choices for breakfast like pancakes, idli, dosa, upma, poha, crepes, chillas etc. But this is my new found liking , a fluffy sourdough pancake made with sourdough discard, a another way to use the discard and make something deliciously good for breakfast. 
These pancakes are so easy to make you preferment the dough and keep it aside in your kitchen counter, next day morning add rest of the ingredients and your ready to make breakfast.
The pre-ferment, means, the pancakes will get a lot of developed taste.

Makes 10 Pancakes

For The Pre-ferment
250 Grams All Purpose Flour
30 Grams Sugar
250 Grams Sourdough Starter Discard -** My Notes
500 Ml Buttermilk

For The Batter - To Be Added In the Morning
2 Eggs
50 Grams Unsalted Butter - melted - I used salted
¾ Teaspoon Sea Salt - ** My Notes
1 Teaspoon Level Baking Soda - ** My Notes

For The Pre-ferment
The night before mix in all the given ingredients and cling wrap the bowl. Leave covered at room temperature overnight.

For The Batter - To Be Added In the Morning
In a medium mixing bowl add eggs , melted butter, mix until combined. Tip in the pre-ferment, mix in the baking soda, salt and mix it well. The batter should bubble up.

To Make The Pancakes
Heat a small or medium pan on medium flame.
Melt about a teaspoon of butter and distribute evenly on the pan. Pour a ladle full of batter on the pan ( Do not spread) and let it cook until the top is full of holes and it's slightly cooked. 
Flip the pancake and let it cook until the other side is golden brown. Continue until all of the batter has been turned into pancakes.
Place the pancake on a serving plate, place a small cube of butter on top. 
Do this every time you place a pancake over each other.
They are all ready and looking deliciously good!!
Enjoy these pancakes with some fresh fruit or with maple syrup!
These are light, fluffy, deliciously well-fermented and enriched flavor pancakes, you will love them!!

My Notes
** I have used salted butter hence reduced the salt to ½ teaspoon.
** The sourdough discard was semi active, hence the batter was double and bubbly in the morning, so I, used only ¾ teaspoon level baking soda.
If you don’t have buttermilk you can use regular or plant based milk and mix it with 2 tablespoons of white vinegar. Leave on the counter for 5 to 10 minutes after mixing and you have a buttermilk.
If you want to make the pancakes vegan you can use either vegetable oil or a plant-based butter and omit the eggs.

Labels: Breakfast, Dessert, American, Pancake, Sourdough, Sourdough Discard, Healthy, Bread Bakers, International Cuisine

#BreadBakers is a group of bread loving bakers who get together once a month to bake bread with a common ingredient or theme. Follow our Pinterest board right here. Links are also updated each month on this home page.  We take turns hosting each month and choosing the theme/ingredient.
This month’s event is Breakfast Bread hosted by Zesty South Indian Kitchen
And don’t forget to check out all the amazing Breakfast Breads baked by our talented bakers ~ Bread Baker's Event for June 2021 . 


  1. This sourdough discard pancakes looks yum love it. I too when making pancakes use my left over starter. This perfect breakfast pancakes.

  2. Always a favorite! They look wonderful.

  3. These looks so airy and delicious. I'm always looking for recipes for my sourdough discard.

  4. Sourdough pancakes are one of my favorite ways to use discard. So very delicious.

  5. They look so beautifully golden!!

  6. The pancakes look such a delicious treat Sneha. It is really a healthy breakfast.

  7. Love the color of these pancakes. My kids would love to enjoy this breakfast. Thanks for the recipe.
