Lemon Madeleines#BakingBloggers

Lemon Madeleine's are French teacakes, light & airy with delicious buttery lemon flavor and with crisp edges.

100 Grams Butter - melted
3 Eggs
100 Grams Caster Sugar
Zest & Juice of A Lemon
1 Teaspoon Vanilla Essence
100 Grams All Purpose Flour
1 Teaspoon Baking Powder

Melt the butter in a small saucepan over low heat.
Beat the eggs with the sugar in a bowl until pale and fluffy. Add the lemon zest, juice and the vanilla essence, mix well to combine. Sift in the flour and baking powder and fold the it with a spatula. Now add melted butter and fold it in till well combined.
Butter & flour madeleine molds. Pour the batter into the molds, filling them three-quarters of the way. Refrigerate for at least 20 minutes. Preheat the oven to 200°C.
Bake the madeleine's for 5 minutes, then turn down the oven temperature to , 180°C and bake until golden brown and puffed in the center, about 10 minutes more.
My Notes:
Letting the batter rest in the refrigerator and then baking them at a high temperature will help the madeleine's rise. 

Labels : Cakes, Lemon, Baking Bloggers, French

Baking Bloggers is a friendly group of food bloggers who vote on a shared theme and then post about it once per month. If you are a food blogger interesting in joining in, inquire at our Baking Bloggers FaceBook Group. We'd be honored if you would join us in our baking adventures. 

Baking Bloggers



  1. I love these little lemon cakes...I'm sure they were delicious.

  2. They sure are cute! I'm sure they are delicious.

  3. Lemon sounds like a fabulous light flavor - the perfect tea cake for sure!

  4. They look so light and delicious. Yummy!
