Piglet Bread Rolls#BreadBakers

These piglet buns are adorable and delicious. I had so much fun making these piglets rolls, all the time I keep asking my hubby as I was shaping them, how does these pig-ggugs look, do they look like pigs? My hubby too enjoyed this exercise, laughing all the time.

Thank you Stacy our host for the wonderful theme " Animal Shaped Breads" for Bread Bakers this month. I enjoyed making these Piglets, it was so much fun.

Cup Measurement = 200Ml
For the dough

2 Cups Heaped All Purpose Flour
¾ Cup Water or as required
1 Teaspoon Sugar
1 Tablespoon Vegetable Oil
1 Teaspoons Instant Yeast
¾ Teaspoon Salt or to taste

Add in the yeast, ½ cup water and sugar in a big mixing bowl, mix it well and cover. Keep it aside for 5 minutes till it is frothy/bubbly. Now add flour, salt to the bowl, keep adding warm water a little at a time, till it forms a sticky dough.
Take this dough on to a work surface and keep folding and kneading it with a bench scrapper 5 to 7 minutes.
Grease your hands with a little oil on and start folding the dough till it becomes soft and smooth. Grease a bowl with oil and keep it till it double in volume. 
Now deflate the dough and divide it into 3 equal balls. I weighed the dough, divided the dough into 3 equal pieces around 120 grams each. The remaining, kept aside to make the snouts, ears and tails.
Roll the dough into balls and let it rest covered for 15 minutes.
To Assemble The Piglets
Take one big ball of dough and roll it into a oval shape giving it a longish shape for a the head. Place it in a oiled baking tray. Like wise shape all the same way.

From the remaining dough
Make the Snout, pinch out a small piece of dough (about the size of a small marble) into an oval. Place it onto the face of the pig and pierce a toothpick into the of snout to make two holes.
Shape two tear drops for the Ears, place them on top of the head and press it with a tooth pick. 
For the Tail - take a little ball of dough and roll it into a rope, press on end of the rope into the back with a tooth pick and roll as shown in the pic. Press two black peppercorns for the Eyes.  The Piglets aka Pig-ggugs are ready to be baked.
Let it rest for covered with a damp cloth for 20 minutes. They shouldn’t grow too much bigger, but they should get a little puffier. Brush them with soy milk. Bake them at 190°C for 18 - 20 minutes. Let them cool on a wire rack. 
They are ready to enjoy!! We had them for breakfast slathered with butter the next morning.
Labels: Breads, Bread Bakers, Piglet, Vegan, Baked

#BreadBakers is a group of bread loving bakers who get together once a month to bake bread with a common ingredient or theme. You can see all our lovely bread by following our Pinterest board right here. Links are also updated after each event on the #BreadBakers home page. We take turns hosting each month and choosing the theme/ingredient.


  1. Your piglet buns are definitely adorable and delicious Sneha. You shaped them so well! Butter slathered piglets must have been so yum :)

  2. We they look beautiful Sneha. You have done it so nicely

  3. Those are adorable, Sneha. It was definitely more challenging than I anticipated to make a bread in the shape of an animal. Yours are perfect!

  4. Your little piggies are adorable, Sneha, from their peppercorn eyes and cute snouts right down to their curly tails!

  5. Absolutely adorable little piglets. How much fun was this event?!!

  6. Their little noses are the cutest!!

  7. These piglet buns are really cute. Lovely I need to try this kids will love it.

  8. These are sooooo cute, and they kept their shape beautifully in the oven. I would have been watching through my oven window constantly!

  9. They are adorable. The shape has come out well. A fun and delicious roll!

  10. Awwwww, they're so cute!! I have to share these with my piglet loving friends.
