Mom's Quick Alphabet Soup#SoupSwappers

This was my Mom's quick fix whenever we were not feeling well. She use to make this simple alphabet soup for us and we use to relish it. It has only 3 simple ingredients, onion, tomato and alphabet pasta. I have used vegetarian stock, can use chicken stock too. 
Serves 2 - 3 as a complete meal

1 Small Onion - finely chopped
1 Large Tomato - finely chopped
4 Cups Water
1 Vegetable Stock Cube
1 Teaspoon Sesame Oil
A Dash of Black Pepper
1 Cup Alphabet Pasta
Salt to taste

In a large pot heat the oil add the onions, sauté till the onions start to change color, add the pasta and fry for a minute or two. Add the tomato , fry for just a minute, add the water and stock cube, stir it lightly till it comes to a rolling boil. Reduce the flame to low and let it boil till the pasta is cooked. Serve this into serving bowls with a dash of black pepper powder. 
Enjoy a healthy and delicious soup!! 

Labels: Soup, Soup Swappers, Alphabet Pasta, Onion, Tomato, Vegan, Healthy, Main course
For January 2021, event for Soup Swappers, our host is Karen of Karen's Kitchen Stories, wherein she asked us to share our Favorite Childhood Soups 


  1. Another perfect recipe....easy, peasy and delicious.

  2. Mmmm...a true childhood favorite. I like the tomato in this...will have to file that away for my next pot of soup! Faith, Hope, Love, & Luck - Colleen

  3. Perfectly comforting soup and great memories! Pass the pepper.

  4. This looks so very cozy and comforting - perfect when you're under the weather!

  5. The gentle soups are always remembered best!

  6. Simple and comforting soup!
