Easy Citrus& Chocolate Pudding Trifle#Improv

In this recipe you can use whatever fruits you want, any flavor leftover cake, this recipe is so adjustable to ingredients you have in your pantry.  

Makes 6 Short Glasses

1 Cup Chocolate Pudding
1 Chickoo - chopped
1 Pear - chopped
1 Orange - cut into segments
Chocolate Cake - as required
Whipped Cream as required

Press a layer of crumbled cake into short glasses
then top it with a layer of chopped fruits, then again chocolate pudding. Pipe the whipped cream on top and garnish with crumbled cake crumbs. 
Chill it and then Enjoy!!

Labels : Chocolate Pudding, Chocolate Cake, Leftover series, Glass Verrines, Sweets & Desserts, No Bake Desserts, Party pleasers, Improv Cooking Challenge  

Check out what the other bloggers have made!

Improv Cooking Challenge: December 2020

Ingredients: Chocolate and Citrus 

Check out what the other bloggers have made!

Improv Cooking Challenge: December 2020

Ingredients: Chocolate and Citrus


  1. I had to look up what a chickoo was, I had no idea!! It looks so yummy!

  2. This is a perfect way to reimagine some leftovers into a new and refreshing treat!

  3. What a great dessert. Looks wonderful and delicious!
