Chocolate Coffee Ice Cream Sandwich#Foodieextravaganza

For Foodie Extravaganza this month our host is Camilla of Culinary Adventures, challenged us to created Ice Cream Sandwiches.  Making ice cream sandwiches is easy, but, to keep them frozen, even to take a pic is a real challenge, since my city weather conditions do not permit it, the ice cream starts to melt immediately, my great worry was that the cookies will turn soggy.  But this recipe I, can guarantee that they will not turn soggy even if you freeze them, but the use of vegetable shortening is a must. They are crisp and delicious.
Makes about 18 to 20 Sandwich Cookies depending on the size of the cutter
2 Tablespoons Melted Chocolate 
100 Grams Unsalted Butter
100 Grams  Vegetable Shortening
15 Grams Condensed Milk 
100 Grams  Caster Sugar 
2 Egg Yolks Only 
40 Grams  Almond Meal 
20 Grams Cocoa powder 
340 Grams All purpose flour
20 Grams Corn Flour 
2 Grams Salt

Sieve the flour, cocoa, salt, keep aside.
Melt the chocolate in the microwave and keep aside. 
Beat the butter and the vegetable shortening till creamy add half the melted chocolate and beat add sugar and beat. Now add egg yolks one at time and beat till both are incorporated. Add the sieved flour, almond meal and knead it lightly to make a dough.  Place this in a cling wrap and make it into a square and refrigerate it for 30 minutes.  Divide into two equal parts and roll between two parchment sheets.  
Cut with a cookie cutter, place them in a baking tray. Bake in a preheated oven at 180 C for 12 to 15 minutes.  
Cool them in a cooling rack completely and store it airtight container.
Quick & Easy Coffee Ice Cream
75 Grams Condensed Milk
100 Grams Fresh Cream
1 Tablespoon Instant Coffee
2 Tablespoons Hot Milk

Chill the Condensed Milk, fresh Cream for 3 hour's in the freezer. The beat it for a good 15 minutes till it starts to become fluffy. Add the coffee mixture and cling wrap it along with the beater in the freezer for another 30 to 45 minutes.
Remove it from the freezer and place this on ice filled bowl and again beat till it doubles in volume and is fluffy.
Pour this into a air tight container and cling wrap it. Freeze it overnight or till set.
Delicious ice cream is ready.  
To Assemble The Cookies

Take the ice cream and  cut it with the same sized mold as the cookies. 
Take one cookie, place the ice cream and sandwich with another cookie.  Like wise make all.  Place it in a airtight container and freeze them until the ice cream hardens for at least  4 hours.  
Enjoy these chilled. Mine were melting since the weather here is hot.  The great thing about these ice cream cookies are that even though you freeze them they do  not soften.  We enjoyed them as a dessert after our meal.


  1. Melting or not, Sneha, these look delicious! Thanks for joining me for this event.

  2. Ours look very similar!Both your cookies and ice cream sound yummy.
