Soft and Fluffy Croissants Bread Rolls#BreadBakers

These are  Homemade Croissants Bread Rolls are soft fluffy and buttery. Perfect to slather with cream cheese, butter or jam. Perfect to make sandwiches too!

6 Bread Rolls

250Grams All Purpose Flour
20 Grams Sugar 
¾ Teaspoon Salt  
2 Tablespoons Non-Fat Dry Milk Powder
115 Grams water
8 Grams Fresh Yeast
1 Whole Egg - lightly beat and then take half it and the other half keep for brushing the buns.
25 Grams Unsalted Butter
For The Egg Wash
The Remaining Beaten Egg +1 Teaspoon water or milk

Combine water and yeast and set it aside till bubbly.
Combine the dry ingredients and mix together with a whisk. To this add the yeast, egg mixture and knead to a soft dough . Take this on to a work surface and knead for 10 minutes. Add butter and knead for another 5 minutes . Place this ball into an oiled bowl and then leave it at a warm place until it doubles in volume.
Deflate the dough , divide it into 6 pieces and roll them into balls. Cover them with a damp cloth and leave them for 15 minutes.
After resting, deflate with your hand, and make a leaf shaped roll. 
With a rolling pin stretch it in length shape it the same way.
Roll it into a croissant.
Once all the croissants are rolled 
Place the dough seam-down a baking tray lined with parchment paper or aluminum foil leave it at a warm place until they get twice in size.
Brush buns with egg wash.
Preheat the oven at 230℃, bake for 12 to 15 minutes.
Place it on a wire rack to cool. 
Slather with cream cheese, butter or jam. Perfect to make sandwiches too! 
Labels: Bread, Croissant, Bread Bakers, Breakfast

BundtBakers is a group of Bundt loving bakers who get together once a month to bake Bundts with a common ingredient or theme. You can see all our lovely Bundts by following our Pinterest board. We take turns hosting each month and choosing the theme/ingredient.
  • Garlic Parmesan Sourdough Dinner rolls from Karen's Kitchen Stories
  • Scotish Black Buns from A Messy Kitchen 
  • Soft and Fluffy Croissants Bread Rolls from Sneha's Recipe
  • Julekage from Ambrosia
  • Sweet Coconut Almond Swirls   from Magical Ingredients
  • Sourdough St.Lucia Buns from Zesty South Indian Kitchen
  • #BreadBakers is a group of bread loving bakers who get together once a month to bake bread with a common ingredient or theme. Follow our Pinterest board right here. Links are also updated each month on this home page.

    We take turns hosting each month and choosing the theme/ingredient.


    1. These are so gorgeous. Much easier than croissants.

    2. Yum, they look universally delicious!

    3. I agree with you this really soft and fluffy croissants . I will make this for holiday breakfast.

    4. WOW! These have turned out so beautiful. I would love to have this.
