Swedish St. Lucia Saffron Buns#BreadBakers

St. Lucia Day, also known as the Festival of Light and it's a day of celebration in Sweden.
The S rolls are  sweet, buttery, vibrant yellow from the saffron-infused dough. The black currants in the “eyes” of the rolls give them just a little extra sweetness when you bite into them. They are so buttery  that you just don't require to slater them with any extra butter.  You can bite into them as they are.. super delicious.


1/3 Cup Milk
1/4 Teaspoon Saffron Threads
1/4 Cup Caster Sugar
20 Grams Fresh Yeast
300 Grams Bread Flour
1/4 Teaspoon Salt

1/4 Teaspoon  Freshly Ground Cardamon powder
2 Tablespoons Heaped Butter -  softened

1/3 Cup  Sour cream
1 Large Egg

As Required  Black Currants - washed and soaked
To Brush the Buns

1 Egg -  beaten

In a pan, heat the milk, saffron, sugar together until the milk is hot. Remove from heat and stir to dissolve the sugar.
When its warm to the touch add 2 tablespoons heaped beard flour and the yeast mix well and keep aside for 15 minutes.
 In a food processor whisk bread  flour, salt, cardamom, add in the yeast mixture, the egg and  sour cream run the food processor till it form a soft and smooth dough.  
Take this out into a work surface and add the softened butter and knead the dough  till all the butter is incorporated and forms smooth and shiny dough.  
Keep this in an oiled bowl covered till it doubles in volume. 
Deflate the dough and lightly flatten it into a circle and cut it into 8 equal pieces. 
Roll these into small balls, cover the dough with damp towel for 10 minutes.  
Then roll them into long rope.
Form dough into S shapes  i.e. curl the ends in opposite
 directions, forming an "S" with spirals at each end.
Place on a lined baking sheet and repeat with the rest of the dough.
Press a black currant in it. 
When the rolls  have doubled in size. Brush with egg wash and baked them in a preheat oven to 200°C , for about 13 minutes (turning halfway through cooking to ensure even browning), until the buns are golden brown.
Remove from oven and brush them with butter and  let cool on a wire rack for 10 minutes. 
Enjoy them hot with a cuppa of tea/ coffee.
These rolls are best when freshly baked
Lables : Sweden, St Lucia, Saffron, Bread, Bread Bakers, Black Currants
This month in Bread Baker we are sharing Scandinavian recipes from the countries of Sweden, Norway and Denmark. Many thanks to our host, Felice of All That's Left Are The Crumbs for this fun theme! Check out the recipes below:

#BreadBakers is a group of bread loving bakers who get together once a month to bake bread with a common ingredient or theme. You can see all our lovely bread by following our Pinterest board right here. Links are also updated after each event on the #BreadBakers home page. We take turns hosting each month and choosing the theme/ingredient. This month the Bread Bakers are making Scandinavian Breads, a theme chosen by Felice from All That's Left Are The Crumbs.


  1. I love the little black currant "eyes" in the curve of the S! What a treat, Sneha!

  2. Those are perfection! So light and airy, and I love the color from the saffron. Brings back memories, I got to be a Lucia for a play once as a child. Probably still have the candle crown somewhere under the house at my parents' place. :)

  3. I have made these before and love them. Yours are such a pretty yellow!

  4. Hello Sneha, you buns look so shiny, vibrant and flavourful. The crumb is beautiful. And the step by step tutorial in shaping the buns makes it so easy to follow.
