How To Sprout Whole Wheat Grains / Berries At Home

Sprouted grains, like wheat berries and rice, are super simple, don’t require any major equipment.
You can sprout any kind of whole grains, the important thing is that the grain be whole grains. They should not be hulled, husked, pearled, rolled, flaked, or otherwise altered.

Ingredients1 Kg Whole Wheat Grains
A Muslin or Fine Mesh Cloth

Wash the grains well then soak it in water for a two days, changing the water every 5 -6 hours. Keep them open ..i.e. without a lid.
After two days place the grains in a fine muslin cloth ,I used a big fine duppatta to hold all the grains. Place the grains in the cloth and tie a loose knot, wash them in running water for a few minutes. Then place the cloth it in a colander , keep this in a dark place or in the corner of your kitchen counter. Wash this under running water every 6 hours so the grain are moist and not dried out. 
After a day or two you will find that the grain have began to sprout. Let them sprout till you fine nice long sprouts. 
Wash the grain properly and spread on a dry cloth or a big tray and keep them in the sun to dry. After they are nearly dry.  It took around 5 days to dry, since I get only the morning sun in my balcony. After 5 days I kept them in oven at 100°C in the for about 4 hours.  Again spread them , and keep them to dry till fully dried. 
These are the fully dried sprouted grains.
After 7 days, I took it to the grinding mill to grind it into fine flour. 
Sprouted grain flour has a slightly sweet taste. Use them to make breads, flat bread for any baked goods. They are excellent. I made Sprouted Whole Wheat Rolls with this flour.
Lables : Sprouts, Whole Wheat, Homemade


  1. Great job! I l know several bakers who mill their own flour with home machines but I don't know anyone with a mill nearby. How wonderful is that!

  2. satpura agro mart
    Great! Nice post
    We sell agro products like bean,grains, legumes and pulses.
    wheat,soyabeen,maize and many more

  3. Why sprout to a long tail? Everywhere else I read says just a short tail. Does it make a difference?

    1. The sprout should be according to the length of the grain.
