Chocolate Kheer#Choctoberfest

When leftovers than what do you? Rack your brains to use it, that's what I did with leftover rice made this delicious kheer with milk chocolate. 
A quick and easy dessert.


1 Cup Leftover Cooked Rice
500 ML Full Cream Milk
3 Teaspoons Level Sugar
2 Mini Milky Chocolate Bars - chopped
For Garnishing 
A few nuts and raisins of your choice
Grated Chocolate

Boil the milk, then add the cooked rice, when the milk thickens a little,  then add the sugar. When the sugar melts, reduce the flame to medium low, let it simmer for 5 minutes, keep stirring after a minute. Take off flame. Add the milk chocolate pieces, nuts and raisins. Pour into small khullads/baked clay pots. Garnish with grated chocolate, chopped nuts and raisins. Chill this in the refrigerator. 
Enjoys this cold, makes a perfect dessert if you have surprised guests. 
 Labels : Kheer, Cooked Rice, Leftover series, Chocolate, Raisins, Nuts, Sweets & Desserts, Milk, Khullads, Baked Clay Pots, Choctoberfest
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