Mango Cheesecake - No Bake Dessert #Choctoberfest

Eating the King of Fruits on its own needs no explanation and there  recipes that can  lift the  delightful King of fruits  to an all new high. This no-bake cheesecake is an absolute breeze to make and it's low cal. In fact should I call it a Mango Breeze-Cake ... just pour all ingredients into a mixer jar and pulse it 3 -4 times its ready.  So isn't it a Breeze Cake?


¾  Cup  Condensed Milk
2 Teaspoons  Gelatin
¼  Cup Water
1 Cup Mango Puree
Fresh Paneer -  grated - Homemade
¼ Teaspoon Mango Essence (optional)
1 Cup Whipped Cream
Grated chocolate  for decoration


How to make the paneer  with 500 Ml milk (here).

Dissolve the gelatin in 
¼ cup water over a pan of hot water.

Blend together the grated paneer, condensed milk, dissolved gelatin, mango puree  and mango essence in a blender.  Add the whipped the cream well and gently fold into the paneer - mango  mixture or pulse it just once. 
Pour into a wet mould (see notes). Leave to set in the refrigerator, When set then decorate with grated chocolate, unmould, cut into squares/ wedges, serve.

My Notes:

Rinse the aluminium mould with cold water, drain the water. Pour a few drops of vegetable oil and swirl the wet mould ( but do not wipe the mould). Using this wet oily mould will make un moulding easier.

Keep it in the refrigerator overnight to set.  Was in a hurry since I, had guest and wanted to serve, as you can see in the pic it is a little wobbly. 

Labels : Cheesecake, No Bake Desserts, Mango,  Choctoberfest, Paneer, Low Cal, Gelatin, Sweets & Desserts
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  1. Mango sounds like the perfect cheesecake flavor! I can't wait to try a big slice!

  2. I love mango and this dessert looks amazing!
