Shrimp Stuffed Potatoes#FishFriday

Taking  stuffed  baked potatoes and piling it high with  shrimps and mayo, makes a delicious light dinner and is also a best way to use up leftovers from the fridge.
4 Small Potatoes
8 Large Prawns / Shrimps - cleaned and chopped
1 Small Onion - finely chopped
2 Cloves Garlic - minced
1 Baby Carrot - finely chopped
1 Tablespoon Flat Parsley - finely chopped
1 Tablespoon Celery - finely chopped
1 Teaspoon Oil
1 Teaspoon Black pepper powder
Salt to taste
4 -5 Tablespoons Mayonnaise - Homemade


Wash and scrub the potatoes and place them in a bowl with a tablespoon water and microwave on high for 3 minutes.
When cooled slightly take them and place them in the air fryer basket and air fryer them at 200 degrees C for 20 minutes. Cool them completely. 

 Then cut each potato into two pieces. With a small spoon Gently scoop out the potato.  Keep the scooped potato keep aside.
To make the filling
In a pan heat the oil add the garlic and onion, saute till softened then add the carrot, stir fry for a minute now add salt, pepper, parsley, celery and the prawns and saute till the prawns are cooked, add in the scooped potato and mix well. Take off flame and cool the mix. 
When cooled mix in mayonnaise and pile it on the potato and enjoy. 
Sending this to fish friday foodies our host of the month is Stacy Livingston Rushton and the theme is "Seafood Fillings"
Labels : Fish, Fish Friday, Shrimps, Prawns, Stuffed Potato, Mayonnaise, Carrot, Celery, Flat Parsley, Microwave, Air Fryer