Radish and Tomato Salad

Radish or mooli has long been used in Indian households. This  is known to rest of the world as Daikon. . Grown underground, this white tuber is packed with nutrients, vitamins and antioxidants that can not only add years to your life but can help you fight diseases like cancer and diabetes. Here are nine reasons why you should include this edible root into your diet.
Reduces your risk of cancer
Cancer is a highly feared disease, but unfortunately it is not very uncommon these days. Radish contains phytochemicals that have anti-carcinogenic properties. Additionally, they have vitamin C which helps keep your body and cells healthy, thus keeping cancer at bay. 

Keeps your blood pressure in check
Radish has anti-hypertensive properties that help control hypertension or high blood pressure. Containing potassium, radish helps in countering the ill-effects of a diet high in sodium thus keeping your blood pressure in check. (Read: Eat radish to beat high BP)
Good for diabetics
Insulin, a hormone secreted by the pancreas is responsible in the absorption of glucose. Diabetics are either unable to absorb the insulin their body produces or unable to produce insulin at all. Because of this, they cannot eat sugary or starchy foods. High in fibre, and with a low glycaemic index, diabetics can enjoy radish as it doesn’t cause blood sugar levels to rise.
Beats cold and cough
If you’re prone to constant cough and cold, it might be a good idea to include radish in your diet. The vegetable has anti-congestive properties which helps in clearing the mucus formed in your throat. Additionally, radish also improves your immunity which keeps infections that lead to cold and cough at bay!
Helps you recover from jaundice
Radish is powerful when it comes to eliminating toxins. This helps keep your liver and stomach in mint condition. What makes radish effective in controlling jaundice is that it helps regulate the amount of bilirubin in the blood and increases the oxygen supply within the body. This helps keep a check on the destruction of red blood cells caused by jaundice.
Fights constipation
Most people will have battled constipation in their life and it is definitely not a pleasant condition to be in. Radish has a high fibre content which helps clear the food stuck in your colon. Additionally, it helps facilitate the secretion of bile which again is good for your digestive system.
Helps with weight loss
Radish is extremely low in calories, and the fibre content in them leaves you feeling fuller. With a single 100 grams serving containing just 16 calories, radish can be a part of any weight loss diet.
Relieves the sting of an insect bite
Insect bites can be very irritating and if not treated, they can lead to further complications. Radish has anti-priuritic properties which makes it an effective cure for such bites. Radish juice can also be used to bring down inflammation, reduce pain and soothe the bitten area.
Keeps you looking younger
Containing vitamin C and antioxidants, radish can be eaten to prevent your skin from free-radical damage. You can even apply crushed, raw radish on your skin as it has cleansing properties.
All these properties make radish a must-buy next time you go grocery shopping. I love radish salad so does H.

This is an oil free, gluten free and vegan salad.  Healthy and filling.
1 large Radish shredded
1/2 Teaspoon ginger thinly sliced
1 Tomato finely chopped
2 Teaspoon lime juice
1 Green chilly finely chopped
2 Tablespoons Coriander leaves  finely chopped
Salt and Chat Masala to taste
Shred the radish with hand shredder or food processor.  Add salt, chat masala, ginger, green chilly, tomato, coriander and lime juice to the shredded radish.  Mix well.  Refrigerate if not going to use right away.  Serve as a side dish with your favorite meal.

Labels: Healthy, Pure Veg, Radish, Salads, Tomato, Vegan, Gluten free, Oil Free

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