Leftover Grilled Chicken Patties

Got bored of having the same grilled chicken in lunch, dinner or in sandwiches, then this recipe is for you.  

I, usually do not have leftover grilled chicken, it's always over in two days.  But this time since we had to many outings, this was lying in my refrigerator.  
Converted the leftover into patties and they tasted very good. Make them is so easy since it's a mixture of chicken, eggs, bread crumbs,  onion, etc., with extra addition of seasoning make patties  you'll  love it! My mother used to make  these with leftover meat from the curry,  I made these to use leftover grilled chicken.
These patties can be frozen and stored in an airtight container in a single layer, fried without thawing directly whenever required. 

2 Cups Leftover Grilled Shredded Chicken meat
1 Cup Fresh bread crumbs
2 Eggs - lightly beaten
1 Medium Onion  - finely chopped
1 Tablespoon Coriander Leaves - finely chopped
1 Teaspoon  Black pepper powder
1/4 Teaspoon Garam Masala Powder
1 Tablespoon Lemon Juice
1 Tablespoon Rice Flour - optionalSalt  to taste

In a food processor add the chicken, onions  and run  it till the chicken is finely chopped. 
In a large bowl combine the chicken mixture, bread crumbs, rice flour,  eggs, garam masala and pepper powder, salt, lemon juice and  coriander, mix well; if mixture is too dry to form patties, mix in another lightly beaten egg. 
Mix well and form into  a nice dough.  
Form small patties, arrange them in tray. At this stage you can freeze these and then store in an airtight container to use whenever required.
Heat oil in a large skillet / pan over medium heat and fry patties in oil until golden brown.  Serve these with Sweet Chilly Sauce.  These make a great appetizer for a party too.
Labels : Chicken, Leftover series, Patties, Appetizer, Chicken Patties, Snacks, Party pleasers

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Cheesy Chicken Patties
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