Healthy & Oil Free Veg Rutabaga And Carrot Soup#SundayFunday

Rutabaga is called Shalgam in India. Shalgam is a member of the radish family that tastes much milder and sweet, is a winter is a root vegetable. This is the first time I have cooked shalgam. For me shalgam and turnip / kohlrabi / navalkol in Marathi are two different vegetables. Turnip is light green and shalgam is white with a pink band. I found shalgam/ rutabaga to be sweet.   
I,  may be wrong, correct me if someone has the exact information on these two vegetables. I, was grown up eating homegrown turnips / navalkol.  Hence, I could see the difference in taste and color. 

This is a very healthy, oil free, vegan and gluten free soup.  Its so delicious , since rutabaga has a sweet taste.  
Serves 3

2 Medium Rutabaga  - diced
1 Large Carrot - diced
1 Large Onion - finely diced
6 Cups Vegetable stock
Salt and Black pepper to taste

In a large pot / pan add all the above ingredients except salt and pepper. Bring it to a rolling boil, then reduce the flame and cover the pot, let the veggies soften. Let it simmer for an hour or till the soup should also reduces to 4 cups.
When the soup reduces to 4 cups turn the heat off and let the soup cool a little before blending it. I used the immersion / stick blender. Place it back on low flame add salt and pepper to taste. Let it come to boil.  
Serve it warm with a dash of pepper and few basil leaves.
Labels: Rutabaga, Shalgam, Soup, Carrot, Oil Free, Healthy, Soup Swappers, Vegan, Gluten free, Sunday Funday


  1. I love rutabaga too and don't think it gets near enough attention or respect.

  2. I predict that I'll definitely be purchasing a rutabaga the next time that I go to the market because this soup sounds fabulous and I can't wait to see how it tastes! Thanks for sharing the recipe, Sneha!

  3. What a delcious soup to warm one's body and soul with

  4. I always forget about rutabagas! This sounds great.

  5. I might just have to get some rutabagas soon to try this.

  6. I too don't use much of shalgam in my recipes. This soup is a good way to include it more often in my diet.

  7. Yes both are different and I too found it a bit sweet. However it goes good in salads too. Delicious Soup Sneha
