Spicy Salsa Red Bean Soup #SoupSwappers

Soups can either be kind or kindling, and this one is of the latter style!  This spicy soup is a combination of red beans and Mexican spicy salsa sauce with freshly chopped tomatoes makes the soup super tangy and also gives  a good mouth-feel. 

For Soup Swappers this month our Host  Karen H Kerr, choose Mexican Soup.  Thank you Karen for hosting this month's event.
Serves 3


1/2 Cup Boiled Red Beans (Rajma bean)
2 Teaspoons Olive oil
2 Cloves 
 Garlic  - minced
1 Onion  -  finely chopped
1 Large Tomato -  finely chopped
1/2 Cup Salsa Sauce
1/4 Cup Tomato Ketchup
2 Cups Basic Chicken Stock
1/4 Teaspoon Oregano
1/4 Teaspoon Chilly flakes
Salt to taste

For the garnish

2 tbsp finely chopped Parsley
2 tbsp grated mozzarella cheese (optional) 


Heat the oil in a deep non-stick pan, add the garlic and  onion  and saute on a medium flame for a minute.   Add the tomatoes, chilli flakes, oregano and tomato ketchup, salsa sauce mix well and cook on a medium flame for 2 to 3 minutes, stirring occasionally.  Then add the rajma, stock and salt, mix well and bring to rolling boil,  stirring occasionally. Simmer for 2 minutes and take off flame.   Serve hot garnished with parsley, cheese and Air Fryer Nachos.

Labels: Soup, Rajma Beans, Mexican, Salsa Sauce, Soup Swappers
An InLinkz Link-up


  1. Rajma... gotta look for that, had never even heard the name before... live, cook, and learn! ;-)

    very nice choice for this month's theme!

  2. I would love to try a cup of this soup Sneha.

  3. Thank you for sharing your lovely soup with us. Salsa would had a nice piquancy!

  4. I love red beans in anything and this soup sounds great, Sneha. P~

  5. This soup sounds delicious! I love all of the flavors you added. I'm going to have to try air fryer tortilla chips too!

  6. Oh this looks great- I want to know more about air-fryer nachos!

    1. Will posting Air Fryer Nachos recipe soon. Will definitely share it with you.

  7. Your soup sounds amazing!

  8. The soup looks such a yummy red color.
    Rajma soup! Lovely idea.

  9. I love adding salsa to just about everything, never thought about addin git to a soup. Gotta try this one.

  10. What a great way to use that "Salsa Sauce;" this recipe sounds like it is full of flavor!
