Milk Chocolate Mug Cake - Microwave

Have a craving for  cake, then this is for you.  This is a quick and easy microwave recipe.  Try this and you will love this moist and chocolaty cake.  

30 Grams Butter or 1.1/2 Tablespoons heaped - see notes
40 Grams Milk Chocolate(any brand) -  break into pieces
1 Egg
2 Tablespoons Level Sugar powdered
1/4 Teaspoon Vanilla Essence
5 Level Tablespoons All Purpose Flour
1/2 Teaspoon Level Baking powder


In a mug melt the butter and chocolate together, microwave on high power for 30 seconds. Use a hand whisk and whisk it till smooth. Keep it aside to cool.
In the meantime gather rest of the ingredients
Mix the flour, sugar and baking powder well.

In a another mug or bowl, whisk an egg along with the essence well. Add all the dry ingredients and whisk till well combined. Now add the melted chocolate mixture and mix well. Pour this batter into a large mug.

Place it in the microwave on high power for a minute and twenty to twenty five  second's, after a minute and 20 seconds pause the microwave and check  if done by inserting a skewer,  if comes out clean then it's done or else microwave again for 5 seconds more.

Let it cool for a minute or two.  Pipe a little whipping cream and sprinkle grated chocolate.  Enjoy with a tea or coffee. 

This is a delicious, quick  and moist cake for you and your little ones whenever they crave for cakes.

My Notes
Reserved  a small piece to grate for the topping. You can add all the chocolate and make it more chocolaty and gooey ..mmm yum. 

Make this in a large mug or two medium size mug. Since it will rise and then overflow.

The timing will change accordingly so keep a check

The butter should be softened .. the consistency like when you  spread it on a slice of bread.

You can also unmold this cake and cut into slices.  Just run a knife around the sides of the mug and mold.

Labels : Cakes, Microwave, Mug Treats, Chocolate, Kids delight

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